Dr. Lydia Kieven


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Academic degrees

PhD in Southeast Asian Studies, University of Sydney, 2009, thesis under the supervision of Prof. Adrian Vickers and Emer. Prof Peter Worsley: ‘Meaning and function of the figure with a cap in the temple reliefs of the Majapahit period—a contribution to a new understanding of the religious function of the temples

Master of Arts in Malaiologie [Studies of Malay languages and cultures], University of Cologne 1994, thesis under the supervision of Prof. Peter Pink: ‘The asceticism of Arjuna – its presentation in the Old Javanese Arjunawiwaha and in selected East Javanese reliefs’ (original title in German: ‘Arjunas Askese – Ihre Darstellung im altjavanischen Arjunawiwaha und auf ausgewählten ostjavanischen Reliefs’)


1990-1995: MA, University of Cologne. Disciplines: Indonesian Language and  Literature (Malaiologie), Anthropology/Ethnology, History of Art

1992/1993: Interim-semester at Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Disciplines: Archaeology, Javanese / Old Javanese Language and Literature

1974-1980: Study of pedagogy, University of Cologne. Disciplines: Mathematics and History of Art

Research experiences and other related activities

1992-2010: Recurrant stays in Java for research in situ, in affiliation to the University of Cologne, the University of Sydney, and as an independent scholar

2004-2010: Studies and cooperation in activities of ‘Budaya Panji’ (‘Panji Culture’) to revitalize knowledge about Panji stories in literature, temple reliefs, performance; among others coorganizing the Panji Festival in Malang/ East Java in September 2007, and presenting a paper in the academic workshop

2006-2008: Enrolment at the Universities of Wollongong and of Sydney as PhD candidate

Employment History

Summer Semester 2012, Winter Semester 2013/14: Freelance Teacher for Javanese and Southeast Asian Art at University of Bonn.

since October 2010: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at Goethe-University in Southeast Asian Studies.

Winter Semester 2010/11, Summer Semester 2011: Freelance Teacher for Ancient Javanese Art at University of Heidelberg.

2003-2010: Freelance Teacher for Indonesian at the Institute of Ethnology Münster, at the Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) Cologne, and other institutions

1989-2010: Guiding of study-tours to Indonesia

1998/1999: Establishing a network of the European gamelan groups, organising a workshop tour of Javanese gamelan teachers

1997 and 1999 Teaching at the Institute of Malaiologie at Cologne University: „East Javanese temple architecture“ and „East Javanese temple reliefs“


- biennal conferences of the EurASEAA (European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists) since 1994 in: Paris, Leiden, Berlin, Sigtuna/Stockholm, London, Leiden, Berlin:  presentation of papers [most of them published]

- PIA (Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi) in Yogyakarta/Indonesia in 1995: presentation of paper

- Workshop on the Old Javanese Ramayana in Jakarta in May 2009, organized by the ANRC (Australian Netherlands Research Cooperation): presentation of paper [publication forthcoming]


- Bahasa Indonesia at the Institute of Ethnologie Münster, and for other institutes

- Courses in ancient Javanese art in the Institute of Malaiologie Köln

- Lectures at the University of Sydney: Department of Southeast Asian studies, Australian Centre for Asian Art and Archaeology, Australian Association of Buddhist Studies

- Lecture at the National Gallery of Art in Canberra

- Lectures in ancient Javanese art at the postgraduate program at SOAS University of London

- Lectures at several institutions (academic and non-academic) in an interactive way about ancient and contemporary Java, these lectures often in combination with reading passages of Old Javanese texts and singing traditional macapat

- Lectures in Indonesia, among others at UGM Yogyakarta, UI Jakarta, Panji Festivals [presented in Bahasa Indonesia]

Museum work

- Cooperation in the exhibition ‘Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens’ 1995 at the Römer-and-Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim/ Germany

- Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (RJM) Köln: Cataloguing the collection of Indonesian ethnographic material; Translation of wayang kulit catalogue

- Folkwang-Museum Essen: Concept and catalogue text for the exhibion of Wayang kulit in 2010


Im Druck: „Tempel in Ostjava – Wandel und Erneuerung rituellen Lebens“, in: A. Reinecke und M. Tjoa-Bonatz (Hrsg.): Archäologie im Schatten von Angkor: Fundamente der Hochkulturen Südostasiens. Sonderband Archäologie und Geschichte Südostasiens (Reihe „Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie”), pp. 112-121. Darmstadt: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2015.

2015 ‘Budaya Panji – Panji-Kultur II’, KITA 1/2015: 54-58.
[sowie Federführung der gesamten Panji-Beiträge in KITA 1/2015]
Information: In dieser Ausgabe von KITA auch zwei Beiträge von Studenten der SOAW der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt:

  • Joshua Enslin, ‘Digitalisierung, Objekte des kulturellen Erbes und Panji’, pp. 63-66
  • Sarah Schneider, Rebecca McColl, Patrick Roth, ‘Entstehung des Panji-Rap’, pp. 66-69.

2014 ‘Budaya Panji – Panji-Kultur I’, KITA - Das Magazin der Deutsch-Indonesischen Gesellschaft, Sonderheft: Panji- Wiederbelebung eines javanischen Kulturerbes] 1/2015: 4-15

2014 Mengikuti figur-bertopi. Pengertian baru mengenai fungsi religius candi-candi Jawa Timur, abad ke-14 dan ke-15. Jakarta: EFEO. 

2014 ‘Simbolisme Cerita Panji dalam Relief-Relief di Candi Zaman Majapahit dan Nilainya pada Masa Kini’, in: Prosiding Seminar Naskah Kuna Nusantara “Cerita Panji Sebagai Warisan Dunia”, Jakarta, 28-29 Oktober 2014, pp. 263-280. Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI

2014 ‘Perjalanan mengikuti Panji’, dalam: Ardus M Sawega (ed.), Topeng Panji. Mengajak kepada Yang Tersembunyi, hal. 160-166. Solo: Balai Soedjatmoko

2014 ‘Panji dan Candrakirana,’ dalam Kris Budiman (ed.), Arca: Sepilihan Teks dan Foto tentang Seni Arca Klasik, hal. 86-89. Yogyakarta: Sangkring Art Space

2013 Following the Cap-Figure in Majapahit Temple Reliefs: a New Look at the Religious Function of East Javanese Temples, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Leiden: Brill.

2011 ‘Hanuman, the flying monkey—the symbolism of the Ramayana reliefs at the Main Temple of Candi Panataran’, in: Andrea Acri et al. (eds), The Old Javanese Ramayana – Text, History, Culture, pp. 209-232. Leiden: KITLV Press.

2010 ‘Schatten der Mythen – Javanische Spielfiguren’, in: Museum Folkwang Essen (ed.),“Das schönste Museum der Welt” Museum Folkwang bis 1933. Ausstellungskatalog, pp. 325-326. Göttingen: Edition Folkwang/Steidl

2009 ‘Panji di Candi Panataran’, Kidung (Majalah Seni dan Budaya) 16: 14-15.

2009 ‘Perkelanaan Lydia Kieven’, in: Henri Nurcahyo (ed.), Konservasi Budaya Panji, pp. 25-32. Surabaya: Dewan Kesenian Jawa Timur.

‘Panji di Gunung Penanggungan’, in: Henri Nurcahyo (ed.), Konservasi Budaya Panji, pp. 123-128. Surabaya: Dewan Kesenian Jawa Timur.

2008 ‘The symbolism of water in ancient East Javanese art’, TAASA review [The journal of the Asian arts society of Australia], Vol. 17, no 3: 9-11.

2008 ‘A new fashion in male headgear during East Javanese Majapahit time – the tekes-cap in narrative reliefs of Candi Jago’, in: E.A. Bacus, I.C. Glover and P.D. Sharrock (eds.), Interpreting Southeast Asia's Past: Monument, Image and Text, pp. 193-207. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2007‘Sound and movement in stone – music and dance in ancient Javanese art’, in: A. Lüderwaldt (ed.), Contemporary Gamelan Music. 3. Internationales Gamelan Musik Festival Bremen 2006 [Jahrbuch XIV Überseemuseum Bremen], pp. 9-22. Bremen.

2003 ‘The Architecture and Art of Ancient East Java’, in: Ann R. Kinney (ed.): Worshiping Siva and Buddha – The Temple Art of East Java, pp. 29-41, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press. [And scholarly advice and correction of this book project.]

2003 ‘Loving Couples Depicted in Temple Reliefs in East Java of the Majapahit Time’, in: A. Karlström & A. Källén (ed.), Fishbones and Glittering Emblems. Southeast Asia Archaeology 2002, pp. 335-348. Stockholm: Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities.

2000 ‘Arjuna, Bhima and Panji: three heros at Candi Kendalisodo’, in: M. Klokke (ed.), Narrative sculpture and literary traditions  in South and South East Asia, pp. 42-50. Leiden – Köln: Brill.

1997 Polyglott-Reiseführer Java. München: Polyglott. (Co-author C. Vogt)[= Tourist guide to Java.]

1995 ‘Ostjavanische Tempelreliefs und ihre Ikonographie’, in: A. and E. Eggebrecht (eds.), Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens, Ausstellungskatalog, pp. 249-256. Hildesheim: Römer- und Pelizäus-Museum.[=‘East Javanese temple reliefs and their iconography’, in: A. and E. Eggebrecht (eds.), Lost Kingdoms of Indonesia, Catalogue of the exhibition, pp. 249-256. Hildesheim.]

1994 Arjunas Askese. Ihre Darstellung im altjavanischen Arjunawiwaha und auf ausgewählten ostjavanischen Reliefs. Bonn: Holos.[= The meditation of Arjuna. Its depiction in the Oldjavanese Arjunawiwaha and in selected East-Javanese temple reliefs.]


Revisional work

2001/2002 Assistance in editing the manuscript for the book „Worshiping Siva and Buddha“ by Ann R. Kinney, and co-author of this book [see publication list]



1997 Translation from French into German language:

Claude Jacques, Suzanne Held: Angkor. München: Hirmer.

1997 Translation from French into German language:

Gilles Béguin, Suzanne Held: Nepal. München: Hirmer.


Pencinta Panji: The website Pencinta Panji is an outcome of a meeting of Panji enthusiasts in Trawas /East-Java in September 2013.