Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Goethe University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 7
Building N120 / First Floor
60438 Frankfurt am Main

The Riedberg Campus is located in the north-western part of Frankfurt and can be easily reached:

From Central Train Station:
Easiest way to campus: Take U4 (direction Enkheim) or U5 (direction Preungesheim) to "Willy-Brandt-Platz". Change to U8 (direction Riedberg) and exit at "Campus Riedberg".

From Frankfurt International Airport/Regional Train Station:
Easiest way to campus: Take S8 (direction Hanau) or S9 ( direction Offenbach Ost) to "Frankfurt Hauptwache". Change to U8 (direction Riedberg) and exit at "Campus Riedberg".

Location map