
The Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main was one of the first universities in Germany that established a Diploma’s study course in bioinformatics, in the winter term 2001/2002. Due to the Bologna process, the Diploma’s study course was converted into a Bachelor’s and Master’s course in bioinformatics.

The Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Bioinformatics started in the winter term 2006/2007, the Master’s (M.Sc.) course in the winter term 2011/2012. Both courses are research-oriented, providing many possibilities for research internships. The Bachelor’s course starts with the basics and first applications to biology and medicine. The master’s course deepens the knowledge and provides various internships in different disciplines.

The study of bioinformatics as a strongly multidisciplinary field that covers computer science and mathematics on the one hand and biology, medicine, and chemistry on the other hand. Thus, first the main basics will taught by the original field communities. Bioinformatics itself is introduced already in the first term. In the second, forth, and fifth terms, the special bioinformatics courses Basics of BIoinformatics (Grundlagen der Bioinformatik, GruBI), Algorithms and Models in BIoinformatics (AMBI) and Structural Bioinformatics (StruBI), respectively, are offered.

In Frankfurt, we benefit from a large variety of biological and medical sciences, from a broad chemistry, physics, and biophysics, and from a big computer science department and strong mathematics. Thus, the basics and many application areas are covered.

For an overview of the study program, see the Studienverlaufsplan.
Study regulations are described in the BSc Bioinformatik Ordnung and the Modulhandbuch.

We point out that the modalities differ for different faculties, in particular, with respect to the application for examination.
For modules of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, you have to apply for each examination via QIS (for written examination) or in the Prüfungsamt (for oral examination).
For modules of the Faculty Life Sciences, you are always registered.
Please, read up on the details in the Studienordnung.

Short description

A bioinformatician should have a strong knowledge in biology and computer science. She/he should be able to translate a biological problem into a computer science and/or mathematical formulation of the problem. Further, she/he should be able to solve the problem using computer science methods. It is also expected that she/he are able to develop new methods for storage of biological data and for their analysis. A bioinformatician should be able to link biology with computer science. Therefore, in Frankfurt, both disciplines are intensively taught. The study also involves the teaching of the foundations in chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, and statistics. The main topics in Frankfurt are theoretical molecular bioinformatics, applied bioinformatics and chemical bioinformatics.

Fachstudienberatung Bioinformatik

Prof. Dr. Marcel Schulz

Sprechzeit nach Vereinbarung
ma.schulz [at] em.uni-frankfurt.de

Orientierungsveranstaltung der Fachschaft Informatik

Fachschaft Informatik Die Orientierungsveranstaltung ist ein "Muss".