Theoretical and Methodological Approaches

Related Discourses, Practices, and Institutions in Japan and China

Empirical Studies in Historical Perspective

A Selected Bibliography of Protecting the Weak in East Asia, Past and Present

Norm and Ethics

Braisted, William R. (1976), Meiroku Zasshi: Journal of the Japanese Enlightenment, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

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Fisher, Gareth (2014), From Comrades to Bodhisattvas: Moral Dimensions of Lay Buddhist Practice in Contemporary China, Topics in Contemporary Buddhism, University of Hawaii Press.

Fogel, Joshua A. (2004), The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao's Introduction of Modern Western Civilization to China, China Research Monograph, Vol. 57, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Berkeley, Center for Chinese Studies, Berkeley, Calif.

Fridell, Wilbur M. (1970), “Government Ethics Textbooks in Late Meiji Japan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 29 No. 4, p. 823.

Hoston, Germaine A. (1992), “The State, Modernity, and the Fate of Liberalism in Prewar Japan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 51 No. 2, p. 287.

Howland, Douglas (2000), “Society Reified. Herbert Spencer and Political Theory in Early Meiji Japan”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 42 No. 1, pp. 67–86.

Howland, Douglas (2001), “Translating Liberty in Nineteenth-Century Japan”, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 62 No. 1, pp. 161–181.

Lackner, Michael, Amelung, Iwo and Kurtz, Joachim (2001), New Terms for New Ideas: Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China, Sinica Leidensia, v. 52, Brill, Leiden, Boston.

Lackner, Michael and Vittinghoff, Natascha (2004), Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China, Sinica Leidensia, vol. 64, Brill, Leiden, Boston.

Magnus, Bernd (Ed.) (1997), The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche, Repr, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge et al.

Molony, Barbara (2000), “Women's Rights, Feminism, and Suffragism in Japan, 1870-1925”, Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 69 No. 4, pp. 639–661.

Roetz, Heiner (2002), “Rights and Duties: East/West”, in Pohl, K.-H. and Müller, A.W. (Eds.), Chinese Ethics in a Global Context: Moral Bases of Contemporary Societies, Sinica Leidensia, Brill, Leiden, Boston, pp. 301–317.

Sun Xiaochun 孙晓春 (2009), “Xian Qin Rujia wangdao lixiang shulun” 先秦儒家王道理想述论 [The Pre-Qin Interpretation of the Confucian Ideal of the Kingly Way], Zhengzhixue yanjiu, No. 4, pp. 109–115.

Tarasov, Arkadiy E. (2011), “The Religious Aspect of Labour Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Russia”, International Review of Social History, Vol. 56 No. 19, pp. 125–140.

Wu Yixiong 吳義雄 (2012), “'Wangdao de zai faxian: Chuantong wenhua yu Sun Zhongshan guoji guannian” 王道'的再發現: 傳統文化與孫中山的國際觀念 [The Rediscovery of the Kingly Way: Traditional Culture and Sun Zhongshan's Concept of Internationality], Xueshu yanjiu, No. 4, pp. 89–98.

Zurndorfer, Harriet T. (2011), “Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Confucian Moral Universe of Late Ming China (1550–1644)”, International Review of Social History, Vol. 56 No. S19, pp. 197–216.