Theoretical and Methodological Approaches

Related Discourses, Practices, and Institutions in Japan and China

Empirical Studies in Historical Perspective

A Selected Bibliography of Protecting the Weak in East Asia, Past and Present

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare General | Animal Welfare Japan | Animal Welfare China

Animal Welfare General

Anderson, Elizabeth (2004), “Animal Rights and the Value of Nonhuman Life”, in Sunstein, C.R. (Ed.), Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford et al., pp. 277–298.

Aoki Hitoshi (2007), “Dôbutu o meguru hôbunka: Nihon to yôroppa no hikaku”  動物をめぐる法文化 日本とヨーロッパの比較 [Legal Culture Relating to Animals: A Comparison between Japan and Europe], CNER Discussion Paper, No. 25.

Baratay, Éric (DL 2012), Le point de vue animal: Une autre version de l'histoire, L'Univers historique, Éd. du Seuil, Paris.

Baratay, Éric (op. 2015, DL 2015), “S’il-te-plait, apprivoise-moi!”, in Baratay, É., Béata, C. and Despret, V. (Eds.), Chiens, chats pourquoi tant d'amour, Belin, Paris, pp. 69–122.

Bossert, Leonie (2015), Wildtierethik: Verpflichtungen gegenüber wildlebenden Tieren, Ethik in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Vol. 2, 1. Aufl., Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Cohen, Carl and Regan, Tom (Eds.) (2001), The Animal Rights Debate, Point/Counterpoint, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham.

Donaldson, Sue and Kymlicka, Will (2011), Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford [England], New York.

Douglas, Mary (1986), How Institutions Think, The Frank W. Abrams Lectures, 1st ed., Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N.Y.

Elisseeff, Danielle (1993), “Des animaux sous une chape de plomb”, Zoologica, No. 18, pp. 17–28.

Fan, Ruiping (2010), “How Should We Treat Animals? A Confucian Reflection”, Dao, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 79–96.

Geall, Sam and Hilton, Isabel (Eds.), China and the Environment: The Green Revolution, Asian Arguments.

Gregory, James (2007), Of Victorians and Vegetarians: The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Tauris Academic Studies, London.

Hay, Stephen (1989), “The Making of a Late-Victorian Hindu. M. K. Gandhi in London, 1888-1891”, Victorian Studies, Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. 74–98.

Jasper, James M. (2001), “Sentiments, Ideas, and Animals. Rights Talk and Animal Protection”, in Cohen, C. and Regan, T. (Eds.), The Animal Rights Debate, Point/Counterpoint, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, pp. 147–157.

Lennkh, Sabine (2012), Die Kodifikation des Tierschutzrechts: Modellvorstellungen, Das Recht der Tiere und der Landwirtschaft, Vol. 8, Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Smith, Wesley J. (2010), A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement, 1st American ed, Encounter Books, New York, NY.

Sunstein, Cass (2004), “Introduction: What Are Animal Rights?”, in Sunstein, C.R. (Ed.), Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford et al., pp. 3–15.

Sunstein, Cass R. (Ed.) (2004), Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford et al.

Sunstein, Cass R. and Nussbaum, Martha C. (Eds.) (2004), Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.

Traïni, Christophe (impr. 2010), La cause animale (1820-1980): Essai de sociologie historique, Presses universitaires de France, Paris.

Turner, Jacky and D'Silva, Joyce (Eds.) (2006), Animals, Ethics, and Trade: The Challenge of Animal Sentience, Earthscan, London, Sterling, VA.

Turner, James (1980), Reckoning with the Beast: Animals, Pain, and Humanity in the Victorian Mind, The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, 98th ser., 2, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

Waldau, Paul (2002), The Specter of Speciesism: Buddhist and Christian Views of Animals, American Academy of Religion Academy Series, Oxford University Press, New York.

Weng, Hsin-Yi, Kass, Philip H., Hart, Lynette A. and Chomel, Bruno B. (2006), “Animal Protection Measures in Taiwan: Taiwanese Attitudes toward the Animal Protection Law and Animal Shelters”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science JAAWS, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 315–326.

Wise, Steven M. (2003), Drawing the Line: Science and the Case for Animal Rights, 1st pbk. ed, Perseus Books, Cambridge, Mass.


Animal Welfare Japan

Aikyô Kôji (Ed.) 愛敬浩二 (2010), Jinken no shutai 人権の主体 [The Subject of Human Rights], Kôza jinkenron no saiteii, Vol. 2, Shohan, Hôritsu Bunkasha, Kyôto-shi.

Ambros, Barbara (2010), “Vengeful Spirits or Loving Spiritual Companions? Changing Views of Animal Spirits in Contemporary Japan”, Asian Ethnology, Vol. 69 No. 1, pp. 35–67.

Ambros, Barbara (2012), Bones of Contention: Animals and Religion in Contemporary Japan, University of Hawaiʻi Press, Honolulu.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2000), “Shin Dôbutsu aigo-hô no seiritsu to <hô bunka kasetsu>” 新・動物愛護法の成立と「法文化仮説」[Japan's New Animal Law an Understanding from the Standpoint of Comparative Legal Cultures], Hitotsubashi ronsô, Vol. 124 No. 1, pp. 18–33.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2002), Dôbutsu no hikaku hôbunka: Dôbutsu hogohô no Nichi-Ô hikaku 動物の比較法文化:動物保護法の日欧比較 [Legal Culture Relating to Animals: A Comparison of Japan and European Animal Protection Acts], Hitotsubashi Daigaku Daigakuin Hôgaku Kenkyûka sôsho, Shohan, Yûhikaku, Tôkyô.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2004), Hô to dôbutsu: Hitotsu no hôgaku kôgi法と動物:ひとつの法学講義 [Law and Animals: A Law Lecture], Akashi Shoten, Tôkyô.

Aoki, Hitoshi (2007), “Legal Culture Relating to Animals: A Comparison between Japan and Europe”, Discussion Paper Series of Centre for New European Research: Hitotsubashi University, No. No. 25, pp. 1–11.

Aoki Hitoshi青木人志 (2007), Dôbutu o meguru hôbunka: Nihon to yôroppa no hikaku 動物をめぐる法文化 日本とヨーロッパの比較 [Legal Culture Relating to Animals: A Comparison between Japan and Europe], CNER Discussion Paper, No. 25.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2009), Nihon no dôbutsuhô 日本の動物法 [Japan's Animal Law], Shohan, Tôkyô Daigaku Shuppankai, Tôkyô.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2010), “Animaru raitsu: ningen chûshin shugi no kokufuku?” アニマル・ライツ:人間中心主義の克服?[Animal Rights: Can We Overcome Anthropocentrism?], in Aikyô Koji 愛敬 浩二(Ed.), Jinken no shutai 人権の主体 [The Subject of Human Rights], Kôza jinkenron no saiteii, Shohan, Hôritsu Bunkasha, Kyôto-shi, pp. 239–256.

Aoki Hitoshi 青木人志 (2011), “Waga kuni ni okeru dôbutsu gyakutai kanren hanzai no genjô to kadai: Dôbutsu aigo kanri-hô dai 44 jô no tsumi o megutte” わが国における動物虐待関連犯罪の現状と課題:動物愛護管理法第44条の罪を巡って [The Current Situation and Issues of Crimes in Relation to Animal Abuse: About the Crimes According to Article 44 of the Act on Welfare and Management of Animals], in Asada, Kazushige 浅田和茂.e.a. (Ed.), Jinken no keiji hôgaku: Murai Toshikuni Sensei koki kinen ronbunshû 人権の刑事法学:村井敏邦先生古稀記念論文集 [Human Rights and Criminal Law: A Festschrift in Honour of Toshikuni Murai's 70th birthday], Nihon Hyôronsha, Tôkyô, pp. 147–165.

Asada Kazushige浅田和茂et al. (Ed.) (2011), Jinken no keiji hôgaku: Murai Toshikuni Sensei koki kinen ronbunshû 人権の刑事法学:村井敏邦先生古稀記念論文集 [Human Rights and Criminal Law: A Festschrift in Honour of Toshikuni Murai's 70th birthday], Nihon Hyôronsha, Tôkyô.

Bulliet, Richard W. (2005), Hunters, Herders, and Hamburgers: The Past and Future of Human-Animal Relationships, Columbia University Press, New York.

Chikamori Taka'aki 近森高明 (2000), “Dōbutsu aigo <Kigen>: Meiji 30 nendai ni okeru kutsû e no hairyo to dôbutsu aigo undo” 動物愛護の<起源>:明治三〇年代における苦痛への配慮と動物愛護運動 [The 'Origin' of Animal Protection: The Animal Movement and the Consideration of Pain in the Thirties of the Meiji Period], Kyôto shakai-gaku nenpo, No. 8, pp. 81–96.

Chikyû Seibutsu Kaigi 地球生物会議 (2006), Dôbutsu hogo seisaku shirîzu No. 4: Dôbutsu fukushi gokanen kôdô keikaku 動物保護政策シリーズNo. 4:動物福祉五ヵ年行動計画 [Policies on Animal Protection Series 4: A 5 Year Action Plan on Animal Welfare], ALIVE shiryôshû, Vol. 25, Tôkyô.

Chikyû Seibutsu Kaigi 地球生物会議 (2013), Heisei 23 (2011) nendohan: Zenkoku dôbutsu gyôsei ankêto kekka hôkokusho 平成23(2011)年度版:全国動物行政アンケート結果報告書 [Heisei 23 (2011) Edition: Report of the Result of the Survey Concerning Animal Administrations in Japan], ALIVE shiryôshû, Vol. 33, Tôkyô.

Chikyû Seibutsu Kaigi 地球生物会議 (2014), Heisei 24 (2012) nendohan: Zenkoku dôbutsu gyôsei ankêto kekka hôkokusho 平成24(2012)年度版:全国動物行政アンケート結果報告書 [Heisei 24 (2012) Edition: Report of the Result of the Survey Concerning Animal Administrations in Japan], ALIVE shiryôshû, Vol. 36, Tôkyô.

Dôbutsu Aigo Kanri Hôrei Kenkyûkai 動物愛護管理法令研究会 [Animal Protection Management Acts Research Society] (2001), Kaisei Dôbutsu aigo kanrihô: kaisetsu to hôrei shiryô 改正動物愛護管理法―解説と法令・資料 [Animal Protection Management Law Amendment Commentary and Acts - Material], Shohan, Seirin Shoin, Tôkyô.

Drixler, Fabian F. (2013), Mabiki: Infanticide and Population Growth in Eastern Japan, 1660-1940, Asia Local Studies/Global Themes, Vol. 25, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif.

Harada Kunio 原田國男(1984), “Dai 9 shō: Dōbutsu no hogo oyobi kanri ni kansuru hōritsu” 第9章 動物の保護及び管理に関する法律 [9th Section: Law Relating to Animal Protection and Management], in Shigeki Iseda伊藤栄樹 (Ed.), Chūshaku tokubetsu keihō Vol. 5-2: keizai-hō hen2 注釈特別刑法(第5巻2)経済法編2 [Comment on Special Criminal Law Vol. 5-2 - Economic Law Vol.2], Tachibana shobo, Tokyo, pp. 525–548.

Iseda Tetsuji 伊勢田哲治 (2008), Dôbutsu kara no rinrigaku nyûmon 動物からの倫理学入門 [Introduction to Ethics from Animals], Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai, Nagoya.

Ishida Osamu石田戢, Hamano Sayoko濱野佐代子, Hanazono Makoto花園誠and Setoguchi Akihisa 瀬戸口明久 (2013), Nihon no dôbutsukan: Hito to dôbutsu no kankeishi 日本の動物観:人と動物の関係史[Japan's View on Animals: The History of Relations between Animals and Humans], Tôkyô Daigaku Shuppankai, Tôkyô.

Ito Eiki 伊藤栄樹 (1984), Chūshaku tokubetsu keihō Vol. 5-2: keizai-hō hen2 注釈特別刑法(第5巻2)経済法編2 [Comment on Special Criminal Law Vol. 5-2 - Economic Law Vol.2], Tachibana shobo, Tokyo.

Japanese Law Translation (2009), “Act on Welfare and Management of Animals”, available at: (accessed 20 February 2015).

Knight, Arthur (1997), “On the Extinction of the Japanese Wolf”, Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 56 No. 1, pp. 129–159.

Krämer, Hans M. (2008), ““Not Befitting Our Divine Country”: Eating Meat in Japanese Discourses of Self and Other from the Seventeenth Century to the Present”, Food and Foodways, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 33–62.

Krämer, Hans Martin (2012), Gesetzlicher Tierschutz in Japan, 1880-2005: Ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte des menschlichen Umgangs mit der Natur in Japan, 15.Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Zürich.

Lindemann, Gesa, Lüdtke, Nico and Matsuzaki, Hironori (2010), “Die Stellung des Tieres in der Entwicklung der Tierschützgesetzgebung in Deutschland, Japan und den USA”.

Mikami Masataka 三上正隆 (2008), “Dōbutsu no aigo oyobi kanri ni kansuru hōritsu 44 jō 2 kō ni iu <gyakutai> no igi“ 動物の愛護及び管理に関する法律44条2項にいう「虐待」の定義 [Defintion of "Abuse" as Used in Article 44 Section 2 of the Law Related to Animal Protection and Management], Kokushikan hōgaku, No. 41, pp. 71–96.

Mikami Masataka 三上正隆 (2015), “Aigo dōbutsu iki zai (Dōbutsu aigo kanri-hō 44 jō 3 kō) ni okeru <iki> no gainen“ 愛護動物遺棄罪(動物愛護管理法44条3項)における「遺棄」の概念 [Animal Protection Abandonment - Notion of Abandonment as Related to (Animal Protection and Management Law Article 44 section 3], Hōgaku shinpō, Vol. 121 No. 11/12, pp. 473–498.

Mikami Masataka三上正隆 (2015), “Aigo dōbutsu iki zai (Dōbutsu aigo kanri-hō 44 jō 3 kō) no hogo hōeki 愛護動物遺棄罪(動物愛護管理法44条3項)の保護法益 [Animal Protection Abandonment - Legal Rights of (Animal Protection and Management Law Article 44 Section 3)], in Takahashi, N., Matsubara, Y. and Matsuzawa, S. 高橋則夫, 松原芳博, 松澤伸 (Eds.), Nomura minoru sensei koki shukuga ronbunshū 野村稔先生古稀祝賀論文集 [Collected Papers to Celebrate the 70th Birthday of Nomura Minoru Sensei], Seibundō, Tōkyō, pp. 587–601.

Miyata Katsushige 宮田勝重 (2001), “Shakai genshō to shite no dōbutsu aigo-hō“ 社会現象としての動物愛護法 [Animal Protection Law as a Social Phenomenon], Hōritsu jihō, Vol. 73 No. 4, pp. 29–34.

Nakamura Ikuo and Miura Sukeyuki中村生雄, 三浦佑之 (Eds.) (2009), Hito to dōbutsu no nihonshi 4: Shinkō no naka no dōbutsu tachi 人と動物の日本史4:信仰のなかの動物たち [Mankind and Animal History of Japan 4: Animals within the Religious Belief], Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, Tōkyō.

Ono Yoshikuni 尾野嘉邦 (2002), “NPO to seisaku katei: Kōkyō rieki syūdan to ishū nettowāku” NPOと政策過程:公共利益集団とイシューネットワーク [NPO and Political Measures Course: The Public Interest Crowd and the Issue Network], Kokka gakkai zasshi, Vol. 115 No. 9/10, pp. 132–192.

Rath, Eric C. and Assmann, Stephanie (Eds.) (2010), Japanese Foodways, Past and Present, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Sato Shusuke 佐藤衆介 (2005), Animaruwerufea: Dôbutsu no shiawase ni tsuite no kagaku to rinri アニマルウェルフェア:動物の幸せについての科学と倫理 [Animal Welfare: Science and Ethics of Animal's Happiness], Tôkyô Daigaku Shuppankai, Tôkyô.

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Shoji, Katsuhiko (2008), “Japanese Concept and Government Policy on Animal Welfare and Animal Experiments”, AATEX (Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation, Vol. 14 No. Special issue, pp. 179–181.

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Animal Welfare China

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