
Aktuelle Publikationen

Aktuelle Publikationen

Eitel, Kathrin (2021): Oozing Matters. Infracycles of ‘Waste Management’ and Emergent Naturecultures in Phnom Penh. In: East Asian Science, Technology and Society 15 (2): 135-152.

Eitel, Kathrin (2021). Waste Fantasies: Challenging Prevailing Notions of Waste, or How to Reclaim Political Land. In: Network for Contemporary Anthropological Theory.

Graf, Katharina (forthcoming) Taste Knowledge: Couscous and the Cook's Six Senses. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28 (2).

Otto, Laura/Kaufmann, Margrit E. (2021). Adoleszente Weiblichkeit im Grenzregime: Fremd- und Selbstpositionierungen junger aus Somalia geflüchteter Frauen* auf Malta. Gesellschaft – Individuum – Sozialisation (GISo). Zeitschrift für Sozialisationsforschung, 2 (1).                                                    DOI: 10.26043/GISo.2021.1.2.

Eitel, Kathrin and Michaela Meurer (2021). Introduction. Exploring Multifarious Worlds and the Political Within the Ontological Turn(s).
Berliner Blätter 84: 3-19. Open Access

Eitel, Kathrin with Michaela Meurer (2021). Ecological Ontologies. Approaching Human-Environmental Engagements. Berliner Blätter 84. Open Access 

Hande Birkalan-Gedik. 2021. “Can There be Feminist Anthropology in Turkey?: Histories, Continuities and (Dis)connections of Gender and Genre,” Dorothy Louise Zinn and Elisabeth Tauber (eds.). In Gender and Genre in Ethnographic Writing, pp: 99-131. Palgrave.

Otto, Laura. 2020. "Coming of Age in the Border Regime: The End of Vulnerability?". Migration Letters, 17(3): 425 - 432. 764

Eitel, Kathrin (2020). PlastiCorona: Who Cares About That Waste? In: Social Anthropology 29(1).

Faßler, Manfred (2019) "Konstruktivismus im (algorithmischen) Stresstest? Zum Verhältnis von Kognition, Algorithmen, adaptiver Kreativität und kognitivem Kapitalismus" In: Theo Hug, Josef Mitterer, Michael Schorner (Hg.) "Radikaler Konstruktivismus. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft", Innnsbruck: University Press

Otto, Laura. (2019) “Children, adults or both? Negotiating adult minors and best interest in a state care facility in Malta”. Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies. Doi:

Eitel, Kathrin (2019). "[Waste×] Matter in and out the Place: a Story about Wastefulness, Hybridity, and Flows of Plastic." Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, Müll und Globalisierte Ungleichheiten.

Welz, Gisela (2018) “Environmental Orientations’ and the Anthropology of the Anthropocene". Special issue Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, Vol 27, No. 1: 40-44.

Krause, Janina (2018) "Insights from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology: a Discourse Analysis of Representations of Genes, Reproductive Medicine and the Fetus in Popular Media Regarding the Female Body" In: Dagmar Schmitz, Angus Clarke and Wybo Dondorp (ed.) “The Fetus as a Patient - A Contested Concept and its Normative Implications”, Routledge 2018


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