
General Information

On this site we have collected important links and information about studying at Goethe University.

International Office Goethe University

The International Office informs about everything international students may want to know when enrolling for a study program at Goethe University. They offer information on how to get started, funding and scholarships, working a student job, planing a semester abroad and so on.

Contact Information:
International Office Campus Westend
PEG building 2nd floor, room 2.182
Phone: 0049 69 798-38 38
Website: International Office

University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg

Everything about the libraries at Goethe University, literary search and the lending system.

Contact Information:
Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a.M.
Bockenheimer Landstr. 134-138
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 0049 069 798-39 205
Website: University Library

Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ)

Everything on how to connect to the campus wifi network or using the technological infrastructure and services of Goethe University.

Contact Information:
HRZ Service Center Campus Westend (Office Hours: MO - FR 9:00-12:00 & 13:00-16:00)
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
IG-Farben-Haus, EG, Raum 301
Phone: 0049 69 798-32936, -32890
Website: Hochschulrechenzentrum