Prof. Dr. Gotthardt Kowalczyk (a.D.)

Research topics:

  • Sedimentology of continental and marginal marine deposition environments
  • Permocarboniferous of Central Europe (Lithostratigraphy, Sedimentation, Provenance, Paleomagnetism)
  • Externides of Southern Greece (Peloponnesus, Crete: Subdivision, Stratigraphy, tectonical and paleogeographical development)
  • Permomesozoic of the southern Paranà Basin, Brasil (lithostratigraphy, sedimentations models, Paleoclimate)
  • Mapping and tectonics of Sprendlinger Horst
  • Building stones: Register in Hesse and Rheinland-Pfalz (petrophysis, availability, provenances, weatherung (clastics, carbonates, volkanics). Provenance and use of Roman building stones

Selected Publications:

  • Boenigk, W., Kowalczyk, G. & Brunnacker, K. (1972): Zur Geologie des Ältestpleistozäns der Niederrheinischen Bucht.- Z.Dt.Geol.Ges., 123: 119-161, Hannover.
  • Kelletat, D., Kowalczyk, G., Schröder, B. & Winter, K.-P. (1976): A synoptic view on the neotectonic development of he Peloponnesian coastal regions.- Z.Dt.Geol.Ges., 127: 446-465, Hannover.
  • Jacobshagen, V., Dürr, S., Kockel, F., Kopp, K.-O. & Kowalczyk, G. with contribution of H. Berckheimer und D. Büttner (1978): Structure and Geodynamic evolution of the Aegean Region.- In: H. Closs et al. (eds.): Alps, Appenines, Hellenides.- Inter-Union Comm. Geodyn. Sci.Rep.No. 38: 537-564; Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).
  • Faber, P. & Kowalczyk, G. (1979): Zur Herkunft der "Porphyr"-Gerölle im Rotliegenden Süd-Hessens.- Geol. Rdsch., 69: 805-824; Stuttgart.
  • Kowalczyk, G. (1983): Das Rotliegende zwischen Taunus und Spessart.- Geol.Abh.Hessen, 84: 1-99, Wiesbaden.
  • Murawski, H., Albers, H.J., Bender, P., Berners, H.-P., Dürr, S., Huckriede, R., Kauffmann, G., Kowalczak, G., Meiburg, P., Müller, R., Müller, A., Ritzkowski, S., Schwab, K., Semmel, A., Stapf, K., Walter, R., Winter, K.-P. & Zankl, H. (1983): Regional tectonic setting and geological structure of the Rhenish Massif.- In: Fuchs, K. et al. (eds.): Plateau Uplift: 9-38; Berlin, Heidelberg (Springer).
  • Kowalczyk, G. & Dittmar, U. (1991): The metamorphics underlying the Plattenkalk carbonates in the Taygetos Mts. (southern Peloponnes).- Bull.Geol.Soc.Greece, 25/1: 455-467; Athens.
  • Kowalczyk, G., Winter, K.-P., Steinich, G. & Reisch, L. (1992): Jungpleistozäne Strandterassen in Südost-Lakonien (Peloponnes, Griechenland).- Schriftenreihe f. Geowiss., 1: 1-72, Berlin.
  • Kowalzcyk, G., Kümmerle, E. & Semmel, A. (1999): Kte. und Erl. GK 25 Hessen, Bl.5918, Neu-Isenburg, 3. Aufl., 208 S., Wiesbaden.
  • Zulauf, G., Kowalczyk, G., Petschick, R., Schwanz, S. & Krahl, J. (2002): The tectonometamorphic evolution of high-pressure metamorphic rocks of eastern Crete, Greece: Contraints from microfabrics, strain, illite crystallinity and paleostress.- J.Struct.Geol., 24: 1805-1828.