What We Offer

Information for German and International Schools Abroad

Catch the Talents First!

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You would like to get to know our future teachers while they are still studying, and recruit them for your pracitcums opening? Then you have come to the right place!

We will answer your questions on how you can cooperate with the Goethe University.

Picture source: German International School Singapore

What we offer

How do we help you as a student to apply for an internship abroad?

  • Incorporation of your vacancies in our practicum platform.
  • Pre-selection of student-teacher-applications for internships at your school.
  • Well-prepared interns who receive professional mentoring by Goethe University during their practical phase abroad.
  • Short-term internship (5 weeks) and long-internship (12-15 weeks and up)
  • Reliable and personal contact at the Goethe-University, prior to and during our students’ practical phases abroad.

Close cooperation with:

    • the world association of German foreign schools (Weltverband der Deutschen Auslandschulen, WDA);
    • the central office for foreign schools (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen, ZfA);
    • the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutschen Akademischen AustauschDienst, DAAD);
    • the Pedagogical Exchange Service (Pädagogischen Austauschdienst, PA);
    • and our own International Office at the Goethe University.

In a „Memorandum of Understanding“, your individual needs and the possibility of recognition of practical phases abroad are agreed upon with the Goethe University.

Benefit for your school

  • The advantages of a practicum abroad do not limit themselves to the improvement of the language competency of future teachers, but also increase students’ intercultural competencies, which are especially important in the context of increasingly heterogeneous teaching and learning environments.
  • Teachers with international experiences during their studies will be better fitted to prepare their pupils for the opportunities and the challenges of a globalized society.
  • Further, teachers can integrate their own mobility experience into their classes, and thus serve as a role model for the increasing demand of work-related mobility of future professionals.
  • While broadening their own experience abroad, teacher training students will enrich your school with their own cultural perspectives and personality.

Find the teacher training student you need through your practicum advertisement on our platform

Simply let us know the possible duration of a teaching practicum at your school, which subjects you can provide guidance for and what are your general terms. We will then recruit highly motivated teacher training students for your school.

Through your practicum job advertisement on our practicum platform, you can advertise specifically for primary, secondary (comprehensive, grammar) and special needs school teachers with the subjects you need.

Your contact for internships abroad is Mr. Haenssig – he is looking forward to your inquiries.

What teachers does society need?

„Intercultural perception and intercultural core competency for teachers is not solely related to languages (multilanguality) our cultures (multiculturality). It also particularly implies the ability of self-reflection considering the internalized notion of the ‘others’ and the analytical competence of existing ‘images’ and stigmatization in society and above all the courage to counteract discrimination.” ENTEP, European Network on Teacher Education Policies (2000).

To ensure this expectation is fulfilled by future teachers, we would like to enable our teacher training students to participate in a longer practical phase at an international or German school abroad.