Dr. Frederik Kirst

Studiengangskoordinator / Curriculum coordinator

Liebe Studierende der Geowissenschaften,
in folgenden Angelegenheiten könnt Ihr Euch jederzeit gerne an mich wenden:

  • Allgemeine Studiengangsangelegenheiten
  • Auslandsaufenthalte
  • Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten
  • Informationen zu studienbegleitenden Angeboten der Universität
  • Mutterschutz und Nachteilsausgleich
  • Tipps zum Berufseinstieg (Infoblatt Jobsuche)
  • Berufspraktikum (Modulverantwortlicher BP15)


  • GIS für Geowissenschaftler*innen
  • Geologie von Mitteleuropa
  • Geological Mapping courses
  • Bac-Seminar (nach MSc-PO 2020)
  • Geländetag Tektonik des Taunus-Südrandes (2019, zus. mit R.Petschick): PDF verfügbar


  • Since 02/2018: Research Associate / Curriculum coordinator, IfG, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • 10/2017 – 01/2018: Navigation Information Analyst, Jeppesen GmbH, Neu-Isenburg
  • 04/2017 – 06/2017: Further training as GIS specialist
  • 03/2015 – 03/2017: Bonner Werkstätten gGmbH
  • 02/2015: PhD in Geosciences, Steinmann-Institut, Universität Bonn
  • 04/2010 – 09/2014: PhD studies in Structural Geology, Steinmann-Institut, Universität Bonn
  • 10/2003 – 09/2009: Studies of Geology/Paleontology (Diploma), Universität Bonn


My research focuses on the tectonic evolution of orogenic systems, especially Alpine-type collisional orogens. I have worked on projects in the southeastern-most part of the Eastern Alps (Pohorje, Slovenia), the Swiss-Italian Western Alps (Valais, Aosta) and southern Turkey. I employ different methods from the fields of Structural Geology and Metamorphic Petrology to decipher the tectonometamorphic evolution of tectonic units in the course of progressive orogeny. I am especially interested in the mechanisms that trigger and drive the exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rocks back to the earth’s surface. I use field mapping and structural field work as the basis for further analyses and interpretations. Microstructural and textural investigations give insights into the geometry and kinematics of deformation. I use electron probe microanalyses (EPMA) in combination with phase diagram modelling and geothermobarometric calculations to constrain pressure and temperature conditions. I am also interested in the interplay and feedbacks between deformation, fluid flow and metamorphism along subduction interfaces.