
742x240 bc msc n

The New Master Biochemistry

In close cooperation with our students, we have fundamentally revised the MSc Biochemistry. It'll start in the winter semester 24/25.
We are still waiting for official approval from the Goethe University committees, until then all information is still preliminary.

What is new?

A central concept of the revised course is flexibility: our students should be given more options to adapt their MSc studies independently to their specific interests and career aspirations. Accordingly, they can selectively choose the courses that really interest them from the modules on offer. The 2-year program is divided into: 

  • Introductory area (I1 | 3 CP)
  • 3 Core areas (at least 38 CP) - C1 Cellular & Organismic Biochemistry (8-27CP) / C2 Molecular Biochemistry (6-24CP) / C3 Biochemical Methods (6-24CP) - from which at least 2 modules must be selected.
  • Applied research (34 CP) - A1 Group & A2 individual research proposal, Research internships A3
  • Master's thesis (A4 | 30 CP)
  • Elective area (max. 15 CP) - a wide range of elective options from the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, key qualifications and economics.

For detailled information see course structure.

The courses are taught in English, only in the elective area some are offered in German only.

Information about admission & application

The pages are continuously translated and updated.

Aktuelle Informationen

PO2014 läuft aus!

Studierende in der alten PO2014 haben nur noch im SoSe24 bis zum 30.09.2024 die Möglichkeit ihr Studium erfolgreich zu beenden. Andernfalls erfolgt die Exmatrikulation und der Verlust des Prüfungsanspruchs im Fach Biochemie. Eine Überführung in die neue PO2019 ist, aufgrund der Begrenzung auf 7. Fachsemester, nicht möglich!