Prof. Dr. Magdalena Zorn


Room: 109, SKW, Campus Westend
Tel. +49-(0)69-798-22185
Office hours: Tuesday, 3-4 p.m., please send me an email to arrange a meeting.

Professor of Musicology: Music of the 20th and 21st Century, Media and Aesthetics

Profil auf Deutsch

Curriculum Vitae

I am a professor of musicology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. My main areas of research and teaching are 20th and 21st century music history, opera, intermediality, aesthetics and philosophy of music as well as music in digital cultures. I completed my Masters and Doctorate in Musicology at LMU Munich. Following my work as an opera dramaturge at the St. Gallen Theatre in Switzerland, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor in Musicology at the LMU Munich (2016–2022). I welcome enquiries from potential PhD students working in areas related to my research interests.

Full CV

Research Interests

  • Music of the 20th and 21st century
  • Opera
  • Intermediality
  • Aesthetics and philosophy of music
  • Music and digital culture

Recents Projects

  • Appropriation and ownership in Music
  • Acoustic ecologies


Current courses

Selected Publications



ABBAs Hologramm-Show: Mit ›Gestorbenem‹ leben. In: Forum Modernes Theater, Themenheft »Ökologie und Atmosphäre«. Erscheinung 2023.


To Whom Does Music Belong? Der Konflikt zwischen ästhetischen, juristischen und moralischen Normen im Diskurs um musikalische Aneignung. In: Jens Gerrit Papenburg, Tobias Janz (Hg.): Ästhetische Normativität in der Musik. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann 2023 (= Reihe Recht als Kultur), 255–272.


(gem. mit Johanna Zorn): ›Mia san wer?‹ Zu Herbert Achternbuschs filmischem Eingriff in das Oktoberfest. In: Stephanie Großmann (Hg.): »O’zapft is!« Das Münchner Oktoberfest aus literatur- und kultursemiotischer Perspektive. Marburg 2022 (= Schriften zur Kultur- und Mediensemiotik), 135–150.


Re-Lektüren: R. Murray Schafer, The Soundscape. Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, musiconn.kontrovers, 03.06.2022,


Musical Empathy in Digital Space. In: CAS LMU Blog, 08.06.2022,


Der Sound der fontane: Kompositionen über römische Brunnen. In: Sonja Fielitz (Hg.): Akteur »Wasser«: Betrachtungen aus den Rechts-, Geo-, Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaften. Berlin: Peter Lang 2022, 135–153.


(gem. mit Juan Manuel García) On the Concept of ›Music Performance‹ in the Context of the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Brief Musicological Discussion Based on a Public Survey among Listeners in Argentina. In: INSAM: Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Theory 5/2 (2020), 89–107,

All publications