The Faculty Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy strongly condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine and expresses the strongest support for its scientific community.

We are trying to offer uncomplicated help and support concerning study and research at our Faculty wherever it is possible.

In the following, important information is provided.

Please note, that the situation is rapidly evolving and that the website will be continuously updated.  

Studying (Bachelor/Master)

Are you a bachelor/master student in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy or are you studying for a chemistry teaching degree and would like to continue your studies?

Short-term options for summer term 11.04.-15.07.22

If you would like to attend lecture courses, please get in touch with Dr. Andreas Lill (lill(at)!
He will provide further information, advice and could get you in touch with Faculty members. If possible, please provide transcripts/documents of your student history (any language).
Please note, that formal enrolment procedures as full or visiting student are currently adjusted to fit the needs of Ukrainian student, but we try to offer intermediate solutions for the time being until the formalities have been arranged.  

Most lecture courses are offered in German but some are in English as well (see selection below).
It is also possible to attend courses to obtain a German language certificate at Level DSH-2/C1, which is mandatory for a formal enrolment as full student in degree courses. Please note, that without any german language skills it will be hardly possible to achieve the required German language level (DSH-2) during the summer semester for a regular enrolement in the winter semester, unless there are legal changes by the government.
The courses are offered by Goethe University as part of the Academic Welcome Program. Informations can be found their website, for further advise contact them directly via

Current list of lecture courses with English language option:

Bachelor level:

Master level:

Long-term options for winter term 15.10.22-10.02.23

In order to continue your studies as a full student at our faculty, a formal enrolment is necessary. Currently, for the application, a German language certificate is required (level DSH-2/C1) and you need to fulfil the general university entrance qualification (Abitur or comparable). Language training courses are offered by Goethe University as part of the Academic Welcome Program (awp). They can also provide further details about the university entrance qualification and how to achieve it. Informations can be found on the awp-Website, for further advise contact them directly via
Please note, that without any german language skills it will not be possible to achieve the required German language level (DSH-2) during the summer semester for a regular enrolement in the winter semester, unless there are legal changes by the government.

Informations can be found at the general website

Studienmöglichkeiten für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine

Research Internship (4-6 weeks) / Bachelor/Master Theses Projects (6-9 months)

Are you interested in an internship or in completing your studies by doing a Bachelor/Master thesis project in our faculty?

You can get in touch directly with our Faculty Members to enquire about project possibilities. Please also contact Dr. Andreas Lill (lill(at) for the formalities!
Awarding a degree from our faculty requires formal enrolment (see above) and formal recognition of your previous studies but intermediate solutions e.g. as visiting student can be found.

The following research groups offer explicit placement options:

  • Department of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology - Structural Chemistry and Biology / NMR Spectrocopy - Prof. Harald Schwalbe (russian speaking group members )
  • Department of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology - Chemical Biology / Light controle - Prof. Alexander Heckel
  • Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry - Computational Chemistry - Prof. Max Holthausen (perspectives for funded PhD after master thesis)
  • Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry - Surface and Material Chemistry - Prof. Andreas Terfort (Ukrainian and Russian speaking group members)
  • Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - Theoretical Chemistry of Complex Systems - Prof. Irene Burghardt
  • Department of Biochemistry - Molecular Zellbiology and Neurobiochemistry - Prof. Alexander Gottschalk
  • Department of Biochemistry - Cellular Biochemistry - Prof. Robert Tampé
  • Department of Biophysical Chemistry - Membrane Proteins / NMR - Prof. Clemens Glaubitz

Research (PhD/guest researcher)

For joining as PhD student, postdoctoral researcher or visiting scientist, please get in touch with the relevant Faculty Members who is close to your research interests (Faculty Members).