Psychological Student Counselling

The Psychological Student Counselling provides free and confidential counselling for students.

You can make an appointment if you experience personal or academic issues that impact your well-being, such as…

  • work- and learning difficulties (e.g., text anxiety or procrastination)
  • emotional difficulties (e.g., worries, low mood or loss of interest in things you normally enjoy)
  • psychiatric disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addictions like alcohol/drugs or gambling)
  • conflicts with friends, family or in relationships

… or if you are feeling lost without exactly knowing, what is going on.

If you are in crisis and unable to wait for the next available scheduled appointment, please contact the hotline of Frankfurt Psychiatric Clinics (available 24/7): 069 630 13 113 or the emergency service (110 or 112).

Appointments can be booked online via Terminland. If you need assistance due to language difficulties or have other questions, please write us an email:


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Psychotherapeutische Beratung
für Studierende der Universität Frankfurt

Campus Bockenheim
Sozialzentrum/Neue Mensa
Bockenheimer Landstr. 133, 5. Stock

Sprechzeiten des Sekretariats: 
Montag bis Freitag:  9 - 11 Uhr   

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
SLI – Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle für Studierende
Campus Bockenheim
Senckenberganlage 31
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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