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Kick Off Workshop

Tectonic, Palaeoclimate and Landscape Evolution
of Central Africa

December 3-7, 2012

Yaounde, Kamerun

Together with Professor R.O. Greiling, KIT Karlsruhe, and Professor B. Kankeu, IRGM Yaounde, Professor J. Runge, IPG Frankfurt, supports the new interdisciplinary project UNESCO-IGCP-SIDA 616 on "Tectonic, Palaeoclimate and Landscape Evolution of Central Africa" starting in December with a kick off meeting at the Goethe Institute in Yaounde, Cameroon.

Further information and download of the second circulaire at:

National Colloquium on

Environmental Research and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Nigeria

September 29-30, 2011

Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Conference Poster

Conference Group, Ile-Ife

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Runge - Prof. Ayobami T. Salami, Ile-Ife

Lecture, Ile-Ife - Prof. Dr. Jürgen Runge

Audience, Ile-Ife


Workshop for application on funding

From Nov. 27.  to Dec. 01.2009, the WG Runge organized a workshop to prepare a project proposal. This included the invitation of our partners from Munich, Dresden, Montpellier (France), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Yaounde (Cameroon), to agree on an approach to manage the application.

Geological Resources and Good Governance in Central Africa

24 - 25 September 2009, Yaounde, Cameroon
> Homepage Yaounde2009

BIOTA-AFRICA Congress 2008

Biodiversity of Africa -
Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!

29 September - 3 October 2008
Spier (near Cape Town / Stellenbosch)
Republic of South Africa

Members of BIOTA-Westafrica during the conference in Spier

> link to Homepage

> Poster "Soil characteristics and Phytodiversity in Burkina Faso and Benin"

> BIOTA West Atlas Projekt

> Presentation on Capacity development

Report from the members of the stakeholders worksho