Papers & Publications

Publications and Conference Presentations



Amelung et al. (eds.), Protecting the Weak in East Asia: Framing, Mobilisation, and Institutionalisation, Routledge.



Weitzdörfer, Julius (2014), “Fukushima dai ichi genshiryokuhatsudensho no genshiro no genshiro saigai no hôteki mondaiten” 島第一原子力発電所の原子炉の原子炉災害の法的問題点 [Die Haftung für Nuklearschäden nach japanischem Atomrecht – Rechtsprobleme der Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima I] in "Genshiryoku songaibaishô seido ni kansuru kongo no kentô kadai ~ Tôkyô denryoku (kabu) fukushima dai ichi genshiryokuhatsudensho jiko o chûshin toshite"原子力損害賠償制度に関する今後の検討課題 ~東京電力(株)福島第一原子力発電所事故を中心として[Künftige Agenda für das Haftungsregime bei Nuklearschäden – anhand des Reaktorunfalls TEPCO Fukushima I , Japan Energy Law Institute Report, Vol. 129, pp. 64-176. 

Weitzdörfer, Julius and Feldmann, Ulrike (2014), “Diskussionsbericht zur Fünften Arbeitssitzung”, in: Raetzke, C. (Ed.), Nuclear Law in the EU and Beyond / Atomrecht in Deutschland, der EU und weltweit, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 463-466.       

Weitzdörfer, Julius (2014), “Liability for Nuclear Damages under Japanese Law – An Overview of Legal Problems Arising from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident”, in Butt, S., Nasu, H. and Nottage, L. (Eds.), Asia-Pacific Disaster Management: Socio-Legal Perspectives, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 119-138.         

Conference Presentations

Heckel, Markus, “Employee Well-Being in Japan: A Media Content Analysis”, paper presented at the 14th international conference organized by the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 2014.       

Maags, Christina and Holbig, Heike, “Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection through Research: An Analysis of the Impact of Academic Discourse on Local Protection and Tourism Practices in China”, paper presented at the “World Congress of Sociology” in Yokohama, Japan, July 13 – 19, 2014.              

Maags, Christina and Trifu, Ioan, “Rethinking ‘Living Culture’: A Comparative Analysis of Framing Intangible Cultural Heritage in China and Japan”, paper presented at the international conference of the “Critical Cultural Heritage Association” in Canberra, Australia, December 2-4, 2014.      

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Rescuing Homeless Tsunami Victims by Law”, paper presented within the framework of the Darwin Humanities and Social Sciences Seminar Series, University of Cambridge, Darwin College, November 25, 2014.

Zou, Na, “Job Satisfaction and its Determinants among Chinese Rural-to-urban Migrant Workers”, paper presented at the “Duisburg-Frankfurt Workshop: Institutions in East Asia”, Duisburg University, March 13, 2014.



Hörhager, Elisa (2015), “Political Implications of Natural Disasters: Regime Consolidation and Political Contestation”, in Sener, S.M., Brebbia, C. A., Ozcevik, O. (Eds.), Disaster Management and Human Health Risk IV, WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 271-281. 

Holbig, Heike (2015), “Krise und politische Legitimität in Chinas langem 20. Jahrhundert”, in Burchardt, H. and Peters, S. (Eds.), Der Staat in globaler Perspektive. Zur Renaissance der Entwicklungsstaaten, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, pp. 125-147.

Holbig, Heike (2015), “The Plasticity of Regions: A Social Sciences–Cultural Studies Dialogue on Asia-Related Area Studies”, GIGA Working Paper, No. 267, pp.1-34, see:    

Holbig, Heike and Kautz, Carolin (2015), “Bürgerrechte und Zivilgesellschaft in China: Diskursive Rechtfertigungsstrategien im Schatten parteistaatlicher Hegemonie”, ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 137, pp. 77-89.

Maags, Christina, Brandt, Carmen and Enzweiler, Kai (2015), “Jahrestagung der DGA: Der Aufstieg Asiens und die Lage der Asienwissenschaften in Deutschland, Berlin, 28.–29. Mai 2015“, ASIEN–German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 136.

Maags, Christina, Hahn, Johanna and Renner, Annika (2015), “DGA-Nachwuchstagung 2015, Burg Rothenfels, 16.–18. Januar 2015”, ASIEN–German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 135, pp. 99-100.          

Storz, Cornelia and Casper, Steven (2015), “Careers with Boundaries: Innovation within the Japanese Video Game Industry”, Academy of Management Proceedings, No. 1 15463.

Trifu, Ioan (2015), Book Review : “Nicolas Baumert, Sylvie Guichard-Anguis (dir.), « Désastres et alimentation: le défi japonais », Géographie et cultures, n° 86, 2013”, Lectures, June.  

Conference Presentations

Amelung, Iwo, “Environmental Dynamics of the Shandong Yellow River during the Late 19th Century”, paper presented at the “Revolutionary Natures: The Environment in Modern Chinese History Workshop”, Oxford University, November 14 – 15, 2015.

Amelung, Iwo, “Science and National Salvation in Early 20th Century China”, paper presented at the International Conference “Discourses of Weakness in Late 19th and Early 20th Century China”, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, December 15, 2015. 

Bälz, Moritz, “Recht als Verwirklichung individueller Ansprüche in Japan. Diskurse und Anwendungen”, Convenor of Law Section and presentation of "Subjektive Rechte in Japan. Politische Einforderung, gesetzgeberische Gewährung, prozessuale Durchsetzung. Ein Problemaufriss", “16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag”, LMU Munich, August 26 – 28, 2015.

Doi, Kazushige, “Subjektive Rechte auch für Tiere? Zur Entwicklung des Tierschutzes in Japan”, paper presented at “16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag”, LMU Munich, August 26 – 28, 2015.             
dministrative law. It is submitted for a Special Issue of the Journal of Japanese Law.

Heckel, Markus & Zou, Na, “Risk Preference, Subjective Wellbeing and Consumption Behavior. A Cross-Country Comparison between China, Japan and the US”, paper presented at the Duisburg-Frankfurt Workshop, Goethe University Frankfurt, March 13, 2015.

Heckel, Markus & Zou, Na, “Time and Risk Preference in Japan”, paper presented at the SASE 27th Annual Conference, London School of Economics, July 2 - 4, 2015.

"Employee Wellbeing in China and Japan" of the "Protecting the Weak" project of Goethe University Frankfurt. The project is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Heckel, Markus, “Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit: Das tägliche Pendeln zwischen Wohn- und Arbeitsort in Japan”, paper presented at  “16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag”, LMU Munich, August 26 – 28, 2015.

Hörhager, Elisa, “The Politicization of Disasters”, poster publicly introduced and presented at the “Tokyo Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience”  in Tokyo, Japan, January 14 - 15, 2015.  

Hörhager, Elisa, “Disaster Risk Reduction and the Changing Roles of State and Civil Society in the PRC”, paper presented at the “CHESS Young Scholars Conference 2015” in Vienna, Austria, February 27-28, 2015.

Hörhager, Elisa, “Political Implications of Natural Disasters: Regime Consolidation and Political Contestation”, paper presented at the “International Conference of Disaster Management 2015” in Istanbul, Turkey, May 20 - 22, 2015.

Hörhager, Elisa, "Identifying Disaster Agency: The Definitional Struggles Surrounding Natural Hazards", paper presented at “Comparative study of disasters and upheavals: Perceptions and responses”, Chengdu, China, October 16 - 18, 2015.

Hörhager, Elisa, “Institutionalization Processes of Disaster Risk Reduction in the PRC”, public lecture given in the “Lecture Series on Disasters”  of the Southwest Minorities University in Chengdu, China, October 20 - 22, 2015.

Hörhager, Elisa, “From Gradual Change to Critical Junctures: Managing Disasters in the PRC”, paper presented at the “Association for Social Science Research on China (AS) International Conference”, Würzburg, Germany, November 20 - 21, 2015.

Hüppe-Moon, Stefan, “New (Old) Ways of Protecting the Weak: Distributive Justice in Contemporary Confucian Political Thought”, paper presented at the “Young Scholars Forum”, co-organized by the Goethe University Frankfurt, Fudan University and Confucius Institute Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, October 30 – 31, 2015.

Maags, Christina, “Chinas ‘Living Human Treasures‘: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von immateriellem Kulturerbe-Schutz auf lokaler Ebene” paper presented at the “Graduate Conference of the German Association for Asian Studies”, Burg Rothenfels, Germany, January 16 – 18, 2015.

Maags, Christina, “China’s Living Human Treasures Policy: A success story in ICH protection?”, paper presented at the “Conference on “Cultural Heritage in China: Contested Understandings, Images and Practices” at Lund University, Sweden, June 17 – 18, 2015.

Maags, Christina, “Becoming a Gatekeeper of the Past: Analyzing the Role of Policy Networks in Chinese Cultural Heritage Politics” paper presented at the “10th Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference”, Lille, France, July 8 – 10, 2015.             

Maags, Christina, “Retracing International Policy Transfers: The Implementation of a Chinese “Living Human Treasures System”, paper presented at the Young Scholars Forum, co-organized by the Goethe University Frankfurt, Fudan University and Confucius Institute Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, October 30 – 31, 2015.

Schumann, Matthias, Redemptive Societies (jiushi tuanti 救世團體) as Popularizers of Knowledge: The Wushanshe 悟善社, the Daoyuan 道院 and the Appropriation of Religion in Republican China, paper presented at the conference “Folk Documents and Chinese Society” (民间文献与华人社会), Renmin-University, Beijing, September 12 – 13, 2015.               

Schumann, Matthias, Ein chinesisches Rotes Kreuz? Die Rote-Swastika-Gesellschaft im China der Republikzeit, talk given at the Confucius Institute Leipzig, November 16, 2015.         

Storz, Cornelia and Zou, Na, “Flexible Labor Markets and Innovation - A Cross-Country Analysis”, paper presented (by Na Zou) at the STAJE Conference 2015, Stanford University, April 2 - 3, 2015.

Storz, Cornelia and Zou, Na, “Are Flexible Labor Markets Innovation-enhancing? Evidence from OECD Panel Data”, paper presented (by Na Zou) at the DRUID15 Conference “The Relevance of Innovation”, co-organized with Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli di Roma (LUISS),  15 - 17 June, 2015.

Storz, Cornelia and Casper, Steven, “Entrepreneurial Capabilities and the State”, at the SASE 27th Annual Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, July 2 - 4, 2015.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “The Legal Case of Fukushima: What the EU has (not) Learnt about Nuclear Accidents”, lecture delivered for the Ringvorlesung “Technology and Tragedy – Normal Accidents and the Possibility of the Improbable” at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, January 27, 2015.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Japanese Law in Transformation: Regulating Risk in the Wake of the 2011 Tsunami and Nuclear Accident”, paper presented at the “18th Harvard East Asia Society Conference: Asia in Transformation” at Harvard University, USA, February 21, 2015.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Aggressive Rechtsdurchsetzung in Japan: Die illegale Eintreibung und legale Rückforderung wucherischer Darlehenszinsen”, paper presented at “16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag”, LMU Munich, August 26 – 28, 2015.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Nuclear Energy and Regulatory Capture in Post-War Japan”, paper presented at the “VSJF Annual Conference: Energy in Modern Japan: Past, Present, Future” at Leipzig University, Germany, November 21, 2015.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Disaster Capitalism in Japan: Dealing with Debt and Insolvency in the Wake of the World’s Costliest Disaster”, paper presented at “NEEDS - The First Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies” at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, December 10, 2015.

Zou, Na, “Do High Dismissal Costs Lead to More Innovation? Evidence from OECD Panel Data”, paper presented at the SASE 27th Annual Conference, London School of Economics, July 2 - 4, 2015.

Zou, Na, “Do Local Government Officials Discriminate against Migrant Workers? A Field Experiment on Mayors’ mailboxes in China”, paper presented at 2nd Young Scholars’ Forum, Organized by Goethe University Frankfurt, Fudan University (China) and the Confucius Institute Frankfurt, Oct. 30 - 31, 2015.




Amelung, Iwo and Holbig, Heike (2016), “INTRODUCTION: Protecting the Weak: Welfare during East Asia’s Long Twentieth Century”, Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48 No. 3, Special Issue: Protecting the Weak: Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization, and Institutionalization, pp. 309-314,              

See further articles appearing in Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48 No. 3, Special Issue: “Protecting the Weak: Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization, and Institutionalization” below.

Amelung, Iwo, Translation from German of “Establishing a Social-Darwinist Mentality in Japan's Paternalist State” by Mishima, Ken'ichi, Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48 No. 3, Special Issue: Protecting the Weak: Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization, and Institutionalization, pp. 338-355.

Bälz, Moritz (forthcoming 2017), „Subjektive Rechte in Japan: Politische Einforderung, gesetzgeberische Gewährung, prozessuale Durchsetzung – Ein Problemaufriss“, Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law, Sonderheft Nr. 9 / Special Issue. No. 9

Bälz, Moritz (Ed.) (forthcoming 2017), Recht als Verwirklichung individueller Ansprüche in Japan: Diskurse und Anwendungen“, Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law Sonderheft Nr. 9 / Special Issue. No. 9.

Doi, Kazushige (forthcoming 2017),Subjektive Rechte auch für Tiere? Aktuelle Debatte und Prognosen über das Tierschutzrecht in Japan“, in: Bälz, M. (ed.), “Recht als Verwirklichung individueller Ansprüche in Japan: Diskurse und Anwendungen“, Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law Sonderheft Nr. 9/ Special Issue no.9.

Carpenter, Alisha F. and Song, Wei (2016), “Changing Attitudes about the Weak: Social and Legal Conditions for Animal Protection in China”, Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48 No. 3, Special Issue: Protecting the Weak: Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization, and Institutionalization, pp. 380-399.

Gruber, Stefan, visiting scholar within the project (forthcoming), “The Tension between Rights and Cultural Heritage Protection in China” in: Andrea Durbach and Lucas Lixinski (eds) Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging Legal Discourses (Hart Publishing: Oxford 2017),

Holbig, Heike and Neckel, Sighard (2016), “Negative Classifications and the Symbolic Order of Social Inequality: Evidence from East Asia”, Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 48 No. 3, Special Issue: Protecting the Weak: Entangled Processes of Framing, Mobilization, and Institutionalization, pp. 400-421.

Hörhager, Elisa (2016), “China-ASEAN Relations and the South-China Sea: Beyond Balancing and Bandwagoning?”, in Fels, E., and Truong-Minh, V. (Eds.), A Regional Power Shift in the Making? The Rise of China and the South China Sea Disputes, Springer, Berlin, pp. 359-386.

Hörhager, Elisa with Han, Ziqiang; Lu, Xiaoli; Yan, Yubo (2016), “The effects of trust in government on earthquake survivors’ risk perception and preparedness in China”, in Natural Hazards, Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2699-9;

Maags, Christina (submitted for review), “From International Problems to Domestic Policy Networks: A Comparison of Expert Strategies in China”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.

Maags, Christina and Svensson, Marina (forthcoming), “Introduction: Chinese Cultural Heritage in the Making: Experiences, Negotiations and Contestations”, in Maags, C. and Svensson, M. (Eds.), Chinese Cultural Heritage in the Making: Experiences, Negotiations and Contestations, IIAS-Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.

Maags, Christina (forthcoming), “Creating a Race to the Top: Hierarchies and Competition within the Chinese ICH Transmitters System”, in Maags, C. and Svensson, M. (Eds.), Chinese Cultural Heritage in the Making: Experiences, Negotiations and Contestations, IIAS-Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.

Maags, Christina and Holbig, Heike (2016), “Replicating Elite-Dominance in Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding: The Role of Local Government - Scholar Networks in China”, International Journal of Cultural Property, No. 23/2, pp. 71-97.

Pettier, Jean-Baptiste (2016): “Who Is the Weak? A Critical Examination of the Construction of ‘Weak’ and ‘Strong’ Interests From the Case of Dog Protection in Chinese Society”, IZO Working Paper 10/2016.

Storz, Cornelia and Casper, Steven (2016), “Bounded careers in creative industries: Surprising patterns in video games” in Industry and Innovation, Published online: 21.09.16, DOI:10.1080/13662716.2016.1224705

Trifu, Ioan (submitted for review), “Heritage Conflicts: Japan, UNESCO and the Contested Pasts in East Asia”, Japanese Studies.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, Shiroshita, Yûji and Padfield, Nicola (submitted in 11/2016 for review by proofreading service), “Life Imprisonment and Death Penalty – Comparing Sentencing in England and Japan”, Journal of Law and Criminal Justice, 15 pp.

Weitzdörfer, Julius (2016), “Discussion Report of the First Session: Turnkey – a viable Contractual Concept for Nuclear New Build and Decommissioning?”, in Raetzke, C., Feldmann, U. and Frank, A. (Eds.), News from the Shop Floor of Nuclear Law: Proceedings of the AIDN / INLA Regional Conference 2015 in Nürnberg, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 43-48.              

Avin, Shahar and Weitzdörfer, Julius et al. (submitted in 08/2016 and accepted for review), “Classifying Global Catastrophic Risk Scenarios”, Nature, 9 pp. 

Weitzdörfer, Julius (forthcoming 2017), “Aggressive Rechtsdurchsetzung in Japan: Die Eintreibung und Rückforderung wucherischer Darlehenszinsen“, in: Bälz, M. (ed.), “Recht als Verwirklichung individueller Ansprüche in Japan: Diskurse und Anwendungen“, Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law Sonderheft Nr. 9/ Special Issue no.9.

Conference Presentations

Doi, Kazushige, “The Trial against TEPCO Executives”, paper presented at the Workshop „Fukushima Five Years On – Legal Fallout in Japan, Lessons for the EU“, Cambridge, UK, March 5, 2016.

Bälz, Moritz, “Dealing with Mass Torts – Insights from the Japanese Experience”, paper presented at the Joint Research Workshop “Overlapping jurisdictions: a transformative moment?, Tel Aviv University, Israel, January 21, 2016.

Bälz, Moritz, Roundtable Session “Disasters, Law, and the State in Comparative Perspective”, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, June 3, 2016.

Bälz, Moritz, “Categorizing Victims of Disaster”, paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Heckel, Markus, “Negative Interest Rates at the Bank of Japan and Central Banks in Europe”, paper presented at the EJARN Annual Conference, University of Warwick, June 17, 2016.

Heckel, Markus, “Uncertainty over Labor Contract Duration: Evidence from Japanese Micro Data”, paper presented at the SASE 2016 Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, June 24 - 26, 2016 at the session (organized by Markus Heckel and Ioan Trifu) "Protecting the Weak": Social Justice and Wellbeing in China and Japan.            

Heckel, Markus, “Uncertainty over Labor Contract Duration: Evidence from Japanese Micro Data”, paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Hörhager, Elisa, Aldrich, Daniel and Forester, Summer, “Triggers for Policy Change: The 3.11 Fukushima Meltdowns and Global Nuclear Policy”, paper presented at Midwest Political Science Association, 74th Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, April 7-10, 2016.              

Holbig, Heike and Sighard Neckel, “Negative Classifications and the Symbolic Order of Social Inequality: Evidence from East Asia”, paperpresented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Hüppe-Moon, Stefan, “New (Old) Ways of Protecting the Weak? Distributive Justice in Contemporary Confucian Political Thought”, presentation at the seminar / Ph.D. workshop of Isabelle Thireau “Normes sociales et légitimité en Chine contemporaine”, EHESS, Paris, February 19, 2016.

Hüppe-Moon, Stefan, “New (Old) Ways of Protecting the Weak: Distributive Justice in Contemporary Confucian Political Thought”, paper presented at the SASE 2016 Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, June 24 - 26, 2016 at the session (organized by Markus Heckel and Ioan Trifu) “Protecting the Weak”: Social Justice and Wellbeing in China and Japan.

Hüppe-Moon, Stefan and Hörhager, Elisa, “Protecting the Weak in Contemporary Political Philosophy”, paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.    

Maags, Christina, “From cultural practitioner to ICH inheritor: Competition and Hierarchies in the Chinese Living Human Treasures System”, paper presented at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, March 4, 2016.

Maags, Christina, “Safeguarding Traditional Music through State Programs in East Asia: the Case of the Living Human Treasures System”, bachelor seminar “Music and Politics”, Conservatorium of Music, Sydney, March 16, 2016.

Maags, Christina, Round Table Discussion “China in the World Center and Center for Heritage and Museum Studies”, ANU, Round Table Discussion “Heritage and China“, March 18, 2016. 

Maags, Christina and Zhu, Yujie, “Conceptualizing Living Heritage in China: The Contested Chinese ICH Discourse”, paper presented at the Conference of the “Association of Critical Heritage Studies”, Montreal, Canada, June 2-8, 2016.

Maags, Christina and Trifu, Ioan, “Where East Meets West: Comparing UNESCO’s Impact on Domestic Cultural Governance Systems”, paper presented at the Conference of the “Association of Critical Heritage Studies”, Montreal, Canada, June 3-8, 2016.

Maags, Christina, “Disseminating the Policy Narrative of ‘Heritage under Threat’ in China”, 11th Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference, Hull University, United Kingdom, 5-7 July, 2016.

Maags, Christina and Trifu, Ioan, “Local Appropriation of International Norms in East Asia: The Case of Cultural Heritage”, paperpresented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Schumann, Matthias, “From ‘the Survival of the Fittest’ to ‘the Protection of Life’: Religious Activism and Animal Protection in Republican China”, paper presented at the Bi-annual conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, St. Petersburg, August 25, 2016.

Schumann, Matthias, “’For the Sake of Morality and Civilization’: Buddhist Activism and the Emerging Animal Protection Movement in Republican China”, paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Storz, Cornelia, Casper, Steven and Miozzo, Marcela, “Capabilities and Generic Complementary Assets in the Online Games Industry”, paper presented at the DRUID16, 20th Anniversary Conference, Copenhagen, June 13-15, 2016.

Storz, Cornelia, “Bounded Careers in Creative Industries. Surprising Patterns in Video Games”, paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Trifu, Ioan, “Heritage Conflicts in East Asia: Japan and the Contested Colonial Past”, paper presented at Association of Critical Heritage Studies Third Biannual Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal, June 3-8, 2016.

Trifu, Ioan, “On Behalf of the Voiceless and the Weak? Public Policy and the Moral Economies of Animal Welfare in Japan”, paper presented at SASE 2016 Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, June 24 - 26, 2016 at the session (organized by Markus Heckel and Ioan Trifu) “Protecting the Weak”: Social Justice and Wellbeing in China and Japan.

Trifu, Ioan, “Les collectivités territoriales japonaises et les mutations de la gouvernance locale”, paper presented at The Japan Foundation Workshop “La précarisation et ses enjeux au Japon”, INALCO and Paris-Diderot University, July 4, 2016.

Trifu, Ioan, “Frames, Emotions and the Politics of Animal Welfare in Japan”, paper presented at Interpretive Policy Analysis 11th International Conference, University of Hull, July 5-7, 2016.

Trifu, Ioan, “Japan’s Cultural Heritage Policy: Postwar Identity Politics, Residual Tensions, and Emerging Governance”, paper presented at 2nd EAJS Japan Conference, Kobe University, September 24-25, 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Nuclear Power, Regulatory Capture and the Case of Fukushima”, paper presented at the Workshop “Fukushima Five Years On – Legal Fallout in Japan, Lessons for the EU”, Cambridge, UK, March 5, 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, Schulz, Evelin et al., “Chernobyl and Fukushima: Perspectives of the Past, Present, and Future”, discussant at the conference opening panel at the Graduate School for Eastern and South-Eastern European Studies, LMU Munich, April 25, 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Governance of Extreme Technological Risk: Lessons from the Fukushima Accident and the Nuclear Sector”, paper presented at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, June 1, 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius; Lyster, Rosemarie et al., “Climate justice and disaster law”, discussant at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, June 9, 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Governance of extreme technological risks: Lessons from Japan”, lunchtime lecture delivered at the Faculty of Law, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, 29 August 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Disaster, Law and Justice in Japan: In the Tsunami of Debt and lost Homes”, paper presented at the DIJ Study Group, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 15 September 2016.

Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Nuclear Energy and Competition Policy in the EU and Japan”, paperpresented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.

Avin, Shahar and Weitzdörfer, Julius, “Keynote Lecture: A Classification of Risks Threatening the Future of Humanity”, keynote delivered at the Fifth International Symposium on Disasters and Human Survivability, Kyoto University, Japan, November 21, 2016.

Zou, Na, “Do local government officials discriminate against migrant workers? A field experiment in China”, presentation at the seminar / Ph.D. workshop of Isabelle Thireau “Normes sociales et légitimité en Chine contemporaine”, EHESS, Paris, France, February 19, 2016.

Zou, Na, “Do local government officials discriminate against migrant workers? A field experiment in China”, paper presented at the Duisburg-Frankfurt Workshop: Institutions in East Asia, Duisburg University, Duisburg, Germany, March 1, 2016.

Zou, Na, “Do Local Government Officials Discriminate Against Migrant Workers? A Field Experiment on Mayors’ Mailboxes in China”, paper presented at the SASE 2016 Conference, University of California, Berkeley, June 24 - 26, 2016 at the session (organized by Markus Heckel and Ioan Trifu) "Protecting the Weak": Social Justice and Wellbeing in China and Japan.

Zou, Na, “Who has a higher propensity of forming networks?” paper presented at the conference “Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence”, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7 - 8, 2016.



Holbig, Heike,“Reflecting the Moving Target of Asia”, in: Mielke, Katja, and Hornidge, Anna-Katharine (Eds.), Area Studies at the Crossroads. Knowledge Production after the Mobility Turn, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 309-326.