Work in Progress...


In Transit|ion

“In Transit|ion – Frankfurt Lectures in Literary and Cultural Studies” is a transdisciplinary lecture series that the departments of American Studies, English Studies, and Anglophone Literatures and Cultures of the Institute of English and American Studies at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt organize twice a semester.

21.6.18 & 5.7.18 in Cas 1.812


Rethinking Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives An International Symposium

For roughly two hundred years, Western liberal socie- ties have enshrined privacy as a social value and legal right. But in recent decades, privacy has come under intense pressure. States engage in surveillance on an unprecedented scale, Internet companies sell the per- sonal information of their users, and ordinary people willingly share the most intimate details of their lives.

28.5.18 in IG 1.414