Microborings and Paleobathymetry

StartResearch groupWhat are microborings? • Microborings & Paleobathymetry • ResultsPublications

The traces of microendolithic cyanobacteria and algae can be used as bathymetric and paleobathymetric indicators, because their producers depend on different light intensities and wave lengths (Glaub 1994, Vogel et al. 1995, Vogel et al. 2000, Glaub et al. 2002). For the euphotic zone (with subzones), the dysphotic, and the aphotic zone typical index ichnoceonoses have been identified. Their names are based on the two most important ichnotaxa (Glaub 1994, Vogel et al. 1995, Glaub et al. 2002 and 2007). The essential characteristics of the bathymetric scheme of index ichnocoenoses are present from the Silurian onwards. Recent work indicates that a couple of ichnospecies and one or two bathymetric index ichnocoenoses can be recognized already in a few samples of the Upper Ordovician (Vogel & Brett 2009).

Index ichnocoenoses of microborers characterizing different levels of photic zonation (Glaub 1994, Glaub et al. 2007).

StartResearch groupWhat are microborings? • Microborings & Paleobathymetry • ResultsPublications