

Übermäßig handlungsfähig, besonders hilflos – beides oder nichts? Überlegungen zum Umgang mit Agency und Vulnerabilität in Forschung mit jungen Geflüchteten. Universität Zürich, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, 21. November 2018.

Understanding Island Societies: Ethnological Reflections on Islandscape as an Analytical Tool in the Context of Island Migration. Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos. Zhoushan, China, 26.-28. September 2018.

Contested Age: Young Refugees between Regulation, Autonomy and Vulnerability in Malta. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Essen, Deutschland, 19.-21. März 2018.

Custody or long-term development? Young refugees between children’s rights and asylum restrictions in the EU. Global Multi-Cultural Human Rights Forum. Suwon, Südkorea, 5. Dezember 2017.

What If Research Partners Don’t Cross National Borders Again? Multi-Sited Research In A Single Geographic Locality. MigrationLab Conference. Manchester, Vereinigtes Königreich, 30. Oktober-1. November 2017.

“They tell us that we are minors, but they don’t make a difference between us and adults” – Negotiations of Help and Vulnerability in Malta. Navigating Shifting Social Terrains: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Young Asylum Seekers in Europe. Universität Bern, 8.-9. Juni 2017.

“We are obliged to provide UAMs with special care”. Negotiating between Vulnerability, Autonomy and Identity in Malta. European Sociological Association. Athen, Griechenland, 29. August-1. September 2017.

Unaccompanied minors machen, zum unaccompanied minor gemacht werden – Ethnografische Perspektiven auf die Produktion von unbegleitet minderjährig Geflüchteten in Malta. Tagung Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung. Osnabrück, Deutschland, 6.-8. Oktober 2016.

'Unaccompanied Minors reach Legal Adulthood': On Everyday Practices of Vulnerabilisation. The Governance of Borders and Migration in the (Southern Mediterranean): Entanglements of the Domestic, the Regional and the International. Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. 16./17. Mai 2019.