English Escape! Breakout Games im Englischunterricht

Allgemeine Beschreibung / Didaktik

It looked harmless enough: A workshop on gamification in the EFL classroom – why not use a 'tablespoon of sugar' to make the learning go down? And Breakout Games, story-based puzzles that are solved in stages, were something you had long wanted to try. They'd be a fun way to encourage collaboration and cooperation in the EFL classroom, to let students work with a wide range of media, or to engage in revision activities. After all, what could go wrong?
But then… a lot of things went wrong. You are trapped! The only way to escape: To work as a team, and to tackle a series of challenges. Those challenges will teach you everything you need to know to plan & conduct breakout games in your own EFL classroom. You will not only learn about the materials needed to create a breakout game, or the kinds of puzzles you can use, but also how you can differentiate your breakouts in a way that make them suitable for the heterogeneous classroom.

Dr. Judith Bündgens-Kosten
Goethe-Universität (IEAS, Sprachlehrforschung und Didaktik)

Englischlehrkräfte aller Schulformen

Die Veranstaltung ist bei der Hessischen Lehrkräfteakademie nach § 65 Hessisches Lehrerbildungsgesetz mit einer Veranstaltungsdauer von 0,5 Tagen akkreditiert (LA-Nr. 02000793).

Informationen auf einem Blick

Termin: folgt!

Ort: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Bockenheim, Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt, Juridicum 10. Stock

Teilnahmeentgelt: 35,- €
