
3.&4. August 2020 - online via Zoom

Arbeiten im Umwelt- und Naturschutz, in Nachhaltigkeitsthemen und ökologischen Entwicklungen werden fast immer in Form von Projekten umgesetzt. Projektarbeit heißt, komplexe Aufgaben mit interdisziplinär besetzten Teams in herausforderndem Umfeld mit begrenzten Budget- und Zeit-Vorgaben umsetzen. Mit Widerständen umgehen, Menschen motivieren und begeistern und gleichzeitig mit kühlem Kopf kalkulieren, Budgets überwachen und das Projekt steuern. Die Methode, die dabei hilft, ist Projektmanagement.

Projektmanager*innen wissen, wie sie

  • Budget und Zeiten planen
  • das Projektumfeld und die Stakeholder einbinden
  • ihre Projektrisiken erkennen und steuern
  • ihr Projekt überwachen und steuern
  • ihr Projektteam motivieren und begeistern
  • ihr Projektziel erreichen.

Wenn Sie im Berufsleben in Projekten arbeiten wollen, ist es hilfreich und sinnvoll, die Methodik zu kennen und zu beherrschen. Der Projektmanagement Workshop bei GRADE Sustain gibt Ihnen einen Einblick und Überblick. An einem konkreten Beispielprojekt werden Sie (via Videokonferenz) an 2 Vormittagen die Methodik kennenlernen und ausprobieren können.

max. Teilnehmendenzahl: 12

Hot issues in sustainability - the meaning of sustainability in the business context

20.&21. Juli 2020 - in Englisch

Participants will understand and assess the meaning of sustainability in the business context. They are aware of the recent developments in the public discussion, are familiar with the main scientific research approaches, the political measures that are taken to establish sound sustainability, and caveats associated with corporate sustainability. Based on this knowledge they are able to contribute to the development of a sustainability project or strategy on the corporate level.

Our approach is science-based: we unite behind science and show that there is strong evidence for rapid changes of the world’s ecosystems and a need for true sustainable action.

  • The bigger picture
    • Climate Change
    • Biodiversity Loss
    • Implications of the “business as usual”
  • Sustainability?
    • Setting the scene: What are we talking about?
    • What are the hot issues in sustainability?
    • What is the concept of Planetary Boundaries?
    • What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
    • What does the EU New Green Deal stand for?
  • Why – and how – do companies care for sustainability?
    • Getting started: Transition to a Green Economy
    • How to do it right
    • How to prevent Green Washing
    • Sound CSR (-Management)


We will give expert input and provide papers and publications on the science behind sustainability.

In open discussions and group works we analyse concepts, methods and visions for society, businesses and individual profession in order to help participants to lead a substantiated discussion on the chances and role of sustainability in a future world.
Participants will give short presentations on various topics related to sustainability prepared during the course.


Due to the Corona crisis we adjust the course as follows:

  1. The class will take place as an e-learning module ( + 21.07.2020)
  2. We will focus on sustainability issues related to the Corona crises


Methods will be adjusted to the new format but will be based on the former pattern: a mixture of live-talks and hangouts, self-study slots (scientific papers, videos…), presentations etc., all provided by auf!

Content will focus on sustainability issues in the context of the Corona pandemic.

A new an important part of the class will be the ongoing “build back better” discussion. We will look at the political framework (European Green Deal…) and will develop and discuss in depth two potential scenarios

  1. Business as usual
  2. Build Back Better