
Goethe University is strongly committed to implementing gender equality. Its basic equality measures are set out in the Central Gender Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2019-2024 (German) and in the Institutional Strategy within the framework of the Federal and State Program for Women Professors III. It is certified by the Total Equality Award and actively works to ensure the implementation of DFG's Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality. The Equal Opportunities Office offers a variety of services to attract women where they are still underrepresented and to support them on their various career paths. It advises the faculties, divisions and collaborative research projects on successful structural, cultural and personnel measures for equal opportunity and helps all university members to work in a gender- and diversity-conscious manner.

Equal Opportunity Officers

Equal Opportunities Officer

The Equal Opportunities Officer acts in an advisory capacity in equal opportunities-oriented structural and development planning and in all personnel decisions. She supports management, faculties and institutions in updating and implementing the Equal Opportunities Action Plan and the Gender Equality & Diversity Action Plans (GEDAP) of the faculties. The university's equal opportunity officer is Dr. Anja Wolde. She is supported in her function by two deputy equal opportunity officers, Annemarie Eifler and Ulrike Schneider-Gladbach.

Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers

In coordination with the Equal Opportunities Officer, the Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers work towards the implementation of equality in their respective areas. They are elected by the women of the respective faculty or central unit for a term of office of two years and, on behalf of the Equal Opportunities Officer, perform tasks and exercise participation rights, for example in committee work, appointment and recruitment procedures.

Equality & Diversity Policies at Faculty and Central Institutions

Central to attracting women to both careers in and leadership positions is the design of recruitment and hiring processes and appointment procedures.

In planning cycles of approximately two-year, the faculties analyze the gender equality situations in their areas and plan new measures on gender equality and diversity. They also document and evaluate the implementation of measures that are already underway or have been completed. The planning and reporting tools developed by Gender & Diversity Controlling provide a structure for this. In addition, the faculties are supported by the Equal Opportunities Office in the various phases of the planning process.

Gender & Diversity Consulting is a consultancy and service offered by the Equal Opportunities Office. These services are geared toward deaneries and managers as well as all members of faculty or central institutions with the purpose of supporting them in the conception and implementation of targeted gender equality measures, as well as activities to promote diversity and anti-discrimination.



In recent years, Goethe University has stepped up its efforts to promote gender equality in academia: female academics have access to a wide range of career development opportunities through targeted mentoring, training and coaching programs; managers' gender and diversity skills have been and continue to be strengthened.


The professional development of female employees in administration, technology or science management is supported through equality-oriented and diversity-sensitive information, qualifications, and networking offers. Different formats offer female employees and women in leadership positions space for development and exchange, and promote the gender-equitable shaping of working conditions. There are specific measures for female administrators and assistants to complement the HR PE/OE offering.


There are many offers and counselling services at Goethe University to support students in various life situations and in their everyday studies. In addition to offers for career development, the Equal Opportunities Office also includes numerous offers related to diversity as well as information and offers for students, with a focus on family compatibility. All university measures and offers for students can be found on the following pages:


Pupils of all genders can choose from a wide variety of orientation programs offered by Goethe University.

The university wants in particular to inspire girls to study science and technology, and offers special programs in these subjects. Information on all offers can be found here:

Consulting und Monitoring

Gender & Diversity Consulting

Gender & Diversity Consulting is an advisory service offered by the Equal Opportunities Office and is aimed at faculties, research alliances, and individual scientists. Faculties are supported in the conception and implementation of targeted gender equality and diversity measures. Consulting for research alliances includes support with proposals and the implementation of gender and diversity equality measures in joint research projects.

Gender Equality Monitoring

Gender Equality monitoring is indispensable in order to be able to speak about equality in an informed way at the university and to make data-based decisions.

This applies to both the planning and evaluation of structural measures and funding activities: Where is there progress, where is there stagnation? How does this compare to universities nationwide? Where can we do better?



Mentoring Hessen


Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe University Frankfurt

Phone.: +49 69 798-15137
Fax: 069/798-763-15137
Mail: chancengerechtigkeit@uni-frankfurt.de

Visiting adress

SKW-Building | 5th floor
Rostocker Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Postal address

Equal Opportunities Office 

(Büro für Chancengerechtigkeit)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Hauspostfach 227
60629 Frankfurt am Main