Background and approaching point of the network for female* scientists


As is well known, underrepresentation still exists for women in leadership positions in academia, including at Goethe University. The reasons for this are diverse and complex. Research on networks shows three confirmed findings:

  •  Women are less represented in the strategic networks of science.
  •  They find it more difficult to access career-relevant scientific networks due to unconscious processes and existing co-optation structures
  •  Networks are central to entry and promotion processes, as well as to successful establishment in the science system, especially in professorships, leadership roles at universities, and as a spokesperson* in cutting-edge research

This results in a need for action for a network specifically for the aforementioned target groups of female scientists*, which can also close a funding gap at Goethe University.

Approaching point: successful transition phases

These two target groups have to master three critical transition phases in particular, at which there are special risks of exclusion for women. To avoid these, special orientation, reflection, support and qualification offers are very useful:

  • From the late postdoc phase into the broader science career, a transition at which a disproportionate number of advanced postdocs* continue to leave the sciences
  • in entering the professorship to quickly distinguish oneself at the new location and to further develop one's own expertise, especially in the STEM subjects and medicine, since there are fewer female role models to fall back on
  • in the process of promotion to a tenured professorship, for example, tenure-track professors* should be able to make good use of the development period from the beginning in order to successfully master the promotion by way of a successful evaluation, since these processes are not automatized procedures

Das Kurzkonzept für das Netzwerk in deutscher und englischer Sprache ist hier hinterlegt:

Netzwerkkonzept (Deutsch)

Network Concept (English)


Dr. Katrin Springsgut

Stellv. Leitung des Gleichstellungsbüros 
Referentin Gleichstellung

Tel.: +49 69 798-18 132

Campus Westend, SKW-Gebäude
Raum 05.C108