Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl – Vita

Since November 2018

Chair of Sociology with a focus on organization and economy at Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main (W1, tenure track)

January–December 2019

Maternity leave

July 2018

Call to the Junior Professorship (W1) of Science and Society at the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) at the Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelms-University Bonn (declined)

October 2017–November 2018

Research Assistant at the Chair of Sociology of Knowledge and Social Theory, Institute for Sociology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

September 2016–August 2017

Research assistant at the Chair of Economic Sociology at the University of Trier

June–July 2015

Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne

June–December 2014

Research Associate at the Institute of Technology – Theology – Natural Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Organized and moderated the conference: “Biological Patents – Seed a Commodity or a Public Good"

August 2013–May 2014

Visiting Scholar at Pennsylvania State University                                    Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education

July 2010–June 2013

Research Assistant at the Institute for Sociology of the LMU Munich
Research Project: “Governance of intellectual property - Homogenization or heterogenization of forms of appropriation in knowledge-based economies?“ Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


July 2017


Joseph A. Schumpeter Prize 2017 of the Deutsche Bundesbank (2nd place)

July 2013–June 2016

Recipient of the Cusanuswerk Funding for doctoral studies through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF


Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl writes a Post for the LSE-Blog about „How the cashless revolution worsens inequality“

› Go to blog post


Barbara Brandl writes for the e-fin blog about the connection between the digitalisation of money and social inequality.

› Go to blog post (German)


The article The challenges of assets: Anatomy of an economic form by Ute Tellmann, Veit Braun and Barbara Brandl was published in Economy and Society. 

› Go to article


The Socio-Economic Review publishes the article Small money, large profits: how the cashless revolution aggravates social inequality (Brandl, Hengsbach & Moreno, 2024).

› Go to the article


Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl spoke at  Finance Watch's event The Digital Euro: Steps to Success (October 25th, 2023) on the topic 'The Digital Euro: What For and Why Now'. 

› Go to the event


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Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences 03
Institute for Sociology

Chair of Sociology with a Focus on Organization and Economy

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Room 3.G 080
Phone 069 798-36597

Office Hours

During the summer semester 2024, office hours will take place on the following days:

22.4., 6.5., 13.5., 24.5., 17.6., 24.6.

each at 9.30 a.m. via Zoom. 

If you want to come to the office hours, please confirm via email with Doreen Molnar ( She will then send you the Zoom link.