Dr. Rona Geffen


Goethe University Frankfurt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Sociology
Campus Westend, PEG Building
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, Hauspostfach (internal post) 35
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 (0)69 798-36703
E-Mail: Geffen@soz.uni-frankfurt.de

Please note that I will not offer examination terms 'Soziologie im Lehramt' and supervise scientific term papers (WHA).

Vita | Research / PublicationsConference Presentations | Affiliations | Teaching


Since October 2022 Rona Geffen has been a post-doctoral researcher in the Chair for Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Educational Research at Goethe University. In her research, she studies the life courses of young adults with a special focus on the role of their social origin and the opportunity structure for inequality in their education and the transition from school to work. Before joining the chair, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the “Cluster of Excellence” SCRIPTS at the Free University of Berlin (2021-2022), a guest researcher in the Department of Microsociology at Humboldt University of Berlin and a researcher in the Research Center for Poverty and Social Exclusion at the University of Haifa (2022). She received her PhD from the Chair for Social Stratification and Social Policy at Goethe University (2016-2021). Her research interests include social stratification, life course, education and careers, migration and integration, social policy and quantitative research methods.





Geffen, Rona. (2021). Labor Market Careers and the Process of Long-Term Inequality: A Comparative Study of Germany and the UK. Frankfurt am Main: Goethe University. 

Peer-reviewed journals

Kemp, Adriana, Rebeca Raijman and Rona Geffen. (2020). ‘Who Drives Migration Discourse and in What Direction? Claims-Making and Political Mobilization Analyses of Labor Migration in Israel.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1–21. 

Raijman, Rebeca and Rona Geffen. (2018). ‘Sense of Belonging and Life Satisfaction among Post-1990 Immigrants in Israel.’ International Migration, 56 (3): 142–157.

Raijman, Rebeca, Moshe Semyonov and Rona Geffen. (2015). ‘Language Proficiency among Post-1990 Immigrants in Israel.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41 (8): 1347-137.

Working papers

Geffen, Rona. (2022). “The Timing of Lives: The Role of Standard Employment in Income Mobility and Co-residential Unions in Early Adulthood”. SCRIPTS Working Paper No. 15, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”.


Session on “Inequality and the Labour Market: Insecurity, Status, and Networks”

  • Summer Academy “Challenging Inequalities”, Duisburg, Germany, 20-23 July 2022 (a session discussant).

Family Policy and Generational Change in Gendered Life Courses: A Comparative Study in West Germany and the UK

  • Cluster of Excellence – BIRT, 21 April 2022

Transmitting Trajectories: How Does Parental Worklessness Shape the Transition to Stable Careers in Germany and the UK?

  • Transition in Youth Conference, IAB, Nürnberg, Germany, September 2021 (online conference)

Why Are Adults’ Lives Persistently Unequal? The Role of Parents’ Worklessness in Their Children’s Mid-Life Outcomes in Germany and the UK

  • RC28 conference, Turku, Finland, June 2021 (online conference)
  • ASA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting

The Welfare State and Household Types in Germany and the UK

  • ECSR Early Career Conference, August 2020
  • The 12th Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop about Perspectives on (Un-) Employment, Nürnberg, Germany, January 2020
  • RC28 Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 2019

The Timing of Lives: The Role of Standard Employment in Income Mobility and Co-residential Unions in Early Adulthood

  • Cluster of Excellence – BIRT, July 2021
  • Cluster of Excellence – Research Unit Temporality, July 2021
  • Erwerbsverläufe, Sozialpolitik und Ungleichheit, June 2021 (online conference)
  • RC28 Conference, Princeton, USA, August 2019
  • Transitions in Youth Conference, Mannheim, Germany, September 2018




Summer term 2023 Goethe University, Institute for Sociology

Educational Inequality
Migration, Integration and Social Stratification

Winter term 2022/2023 Goethe University, Institute for Sociology

Educational Systems and Social Inequality
Introduction to STATA

Winter term 2015/2016 Teaching Assistant, University of Haifa, The School for Political Science

Introduction to Statistics, BA level course

Winter term 2014/2015 Teaching Assistant, University of Haifa, The Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Research Methods in Social Science, MA level course

Spring terms 2013/2014; 2014/2015 Teaching Assistant, University of Haifa, The Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Advanced Statistics for Sociology, BA level course