
The project "Re:start nach der Krise" (Re:start after the crisis) aims to offer assistance and orientation to students who are returning to university.

Originally planned before the pandemic, the project initially focused on students with mental illnesses who were seeking to (re)enter university life after a lengthy period of therapy or hospitalization. Since the psychosocial demands and stresses for all students have increased due to the pandemic, the target group has been redefined. The project is now open to all students. In order to take into account the different stress levels, the project has developed a range of offers with varying levels of support.

An overview of the study-specific support provided by Re:start:

  1. A monthly online seminar for all students "Design your life - Die Kunst sich neu zu er:finden“ (from November 2021)
  2. Ongoing individual counseling for students
  3. 2-day on-site workshops: "life-design ateliers" (from February 2022)
  4. "Train the Trainer Seminar" (life-design coach) for academic staff and advisors at Goethe University (from September 2022)

Contact: Gerhard Hellmeister