Dates and Events

Students interested in being a supporting buddy WiSe 22/23 can attend our information events. The information events will take place online on 7 and 9 March 2023. You can register for them on OLAT

The Buddy workshops for supporting buddies will be held end of Marc until end of April. We will announce the dates here.

The Internationaler Studientreff (IST) organizes many different events every semester. The events of the IST are open to all international and supporting buddies. Supporting buddies need to visit at least one IST event as part of the requirements for the Buddy certificate. 

You can find an overview of the current offer and the registration in the OLAT course of the IST.

Students interested in being a supporting buddy WiSe 22/23 can attend our information events. The information events will take place online on 7 and 9 March 2023. You can register for them on OLAT

The Buddy workshops for supporting buddies will be held end of Marc until end of April. We will announce the dates here.

The Internationaler Studientreff (IST) organizes many different events every semester. The events of the IST are open to all international and supporting buddies. Supporting buddies need to visit at least one IST event as part of the requirements for the Buddy certificate. 

You can find an overview of the current offer and the registration in the OLAT course of the IST.

Important dates

Summer semester 2023

as of now

Registration for the summer semester 2023
End of February - beginning of MayMatching phase
March 7, 2023, 4 pm
Information event for supporting buddies (in German), registration
March 9, 2023, 4 pm         Information event for supporting buddies (in English), registration
Beginning of AprilBuddy Kick-Off Event
April 11, 2022  Beginning of the lecture period
End of AprilDEADLINE, the registration mask for buddies is closed
July 14, 2023End of the lecture period


Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Global Affairs Study and Teaching


Program Coordination
Christopher Dick

Open consultation hours
On Tuesdays from 10 - 12 am and by appointment we are available for telephone consultations at 069 798 17291.
