Boost Your Self-Esteem

Moving from Self-Criticism to Self-Love

Sometimes there are moments when you criticize myself, when you set your own bar much too high and discover much more positive sides in others. Then you feel small and paralyzed, you can't tap into your innate abilities that are actually dormant within me. Sometimes you also feel worthless and don't think you're good enough.  

Do you know these feelings? In this seminar we will take a closer look.

Learn to accept and use your positive sides and inner sources of strength, as well as your negative sides and sense of doubt. Practice self-love, taking your needs seriously, forgiving yourself for the past, and taking care of yourself in the here and now. Enjoy greater inner contentment, stability and freedom. Don't let others define your worth, but take the initiative for your own self-esteem.


  • Discovering your personal resources and strengths in the creative life flow model (Lebensflussmodell)
  • Exercises to accept your past decisions, life experiences, and negatively perceived parts of yourself
  • Recognizing and making flexible your own pressure and devaluation mechanisms as well as self-generated high-cost action strategies
  • Developing and nurturing unconditional self-esteem through imagination and embodiment techniques
  • Reflecting on the effects of increased self-esteem on your own (family) environment and making a self-determined decision in awareness of the respective cost
  • Concrete ideas for promoting your self-worth through your daily actions


  • Learning facets of conditional and unconditional self-worth
  • Learning to identify and control inner critics and self-flagellators
  • Establishing care, understanding, and friendship with yourself and become aware of your talents and abilities
  • Practicing self-acceptance of all aspects of your personality and experience inner satisfaction, stability, and independence

Course information: TBA

Made possible by the kind support of the Techniker Krankenkasse.

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Psychotherapeutic counseling
for students of Goethe University

Bockenheim Campus
Sozialzentrum/Neue Mensa
Bockenheimer Landstr. 133
5th floor

069/798-22964  or 0151-70369005


Office hours
Monday to Friday: 9 - 11 a.m.   

Appointment online

Postal address:

Goethe University
SLI - Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Students
Bockenheim Campus
'Senckenberganlage 31
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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