Work Packages

Work Package 2

Science-Policy Dialogue Formats

Development, piloting and evaluation of innovative science-policy dialogue activities. The activities are preparatory for work packages 3 and 4.

Work Package 3

Virtual Policy Engagement Toolkit

Development and dissemenation of a virtual tool and primary instrument to enhance institutional capacities and researchers' competencies for policy engagement.

Work Package 4

Institutional Capacity Building at Universities 

Development of infrastructures to incorporate and offer training programmes for researchers and students. Thus enhancement of knowledge, skills and competence for policy engagement. 

Work Package 5

Dissemination and Civic-Engagement

Dissemination of the project results to facilitate outreach and promotion of approaches and tools developed. Enhancing the universities' civic engagement in terms of knowledge transfer to society and policy. 

Work Package 2

Science-Policy Dialogue Formats

Project Acitivities

Pairing schemes for network building and understanding of policy contexts

Lead: Goethe-University Frankfurt

Roundtable, workshops, visits to partner universities/policy institutions for network building and understanding policy contexts

Lead: Universidad de Granada

Webinars on crosscutting policy challenges

Lead: Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia

Work Package 3

Virtual Policy Engagement Toolkit

Project Acitivities

Sections for researchers and policy-making professionals

Lead: Universidad de Granada

Sections for research managers and institutions

Lead: University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia

Materials for capacity building workshops for students and researchers

Lead: Goethe-University Frankfurt

Work Package 4

Institutional Capacity Building

Project Acitivities

Training activities on students' skills development in the science-policy interface

Lead: Palacký University Olomouc

Training activities on policy engagement for researchers and research managers

Lead: Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia

Work Package 5

Dissemination and Civic-Engagement

Project Acitivities

Diessemination and stakeholder engagement event in Braussels

Lead: Goethe-University Frankfurt

Press relations, social media, podcasts and blogs

Lead: Universidad de Granada