This first international conference of the project “Protecting the Weak” funded by the Volkswagen Foundation within its initiative “Key Issues for Research and Society” was organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies (IZO) at Goethe University in collaboration with the Institute for Social Research (IfS). Corresponding to the interdisciplinary logic of the project, the principle investigators of the project, Iwo Amelung, Moritz Bälz, Heike Holbig, Cornelia Storz and their project team, as well as the renowned conference speakers from Europe, Asia, USA and Australia represented a variety of disciplines like history, political science, sociology, law, economics and cultural studies.

For further pictures see our picture gallery of the conference.

For further information on the conference, please contact Christiane Muenscher (, phone +49 69 798-36559).

Our University magazine (Uni Report Nr. 2, 8. April 2015, Jahrgang 48, page 8 also reported on our conference see Report on the Protecting the Weak Conference for the full report.