German language requirements for our Master's programs

German language requirements

In order to apply for one of our Master’s programs with German as language of instruction you have to submit a DSH-2 certificate within the application deadline.

Enrolment without a passed DSH-2-test (or an equivalent certificate) is not possible, even if you might get an admission for the Master’s program.

Please note: only DSH from an HRK registered location can be accepted (registration number on the DSH certificate). DSH certificates without registration numbers will be assigned to DSH Preparatory Language Courses.

If the program’s language of instruction is English you don’t need any German language skills when applying/enrolling. However, we do of course recommend having at least some basic German knowledge for your every day interactions.

The following certificates are being recognized as equivalents to the DSH-2 certificate

  • TestDaF (German as a foreign language test): all results being at least at level TDN 4
  • Goethe certificate C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom 
  • KMK examination: German language diploma second class (DSD II) with level C1 throughout
  • Telc German C1 higher education: with a result of “satisfactory”, “good” or “very good”
  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung II

Also the following educational qualifications:

  • Feststellungsprüfung (university assessment test; Studienkolleg) mit Prüfungsteil Deutsch
  • German Abitur (certification of eligibility for university entrance) or equivalent certificates from Austria, Switzerland or Liechtenstein (with German as first language)
  • Foreign certificates according to KMK-resolution (as of 02.06.1995 in the version from 23./24.03.2016) 
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate ("Mittlere Reife") at a school with German as main language (continuous lessons in German until graduation with the minimum grade „ausreichend“ in German in the school leaving certificate) in combination with one of the following certificates:
  • A-Level „German“ of the british General Certificate of Education, Higher Grade in „German“ in the scottish Certificate of Education or Standard Level in "German" of the IB Diploma

DSH Preparatory Language Courses

Goethe University Frankfurt is offering a fee-based DSH-Preperatory Language Courses (“DSH Vorbereitungskurs”). In order to sign up for one of the DSH Preperatory Courses you need a German level of at least B1.

If you intend to participate in one of the DSH preparatory German courses we also recommend applying early. Provided that you qualify for participation you will receive a separate invitation for the placement test. This invitation is no admission to the Master's program.

Please be aware that there is also only a limited number of places available. As we cannot guarantee a place on the DSH preparatory course for every applicant you should keep an eye out for language courses outside university.

After having passed the DSH examination you would have to re-apply for the chosen Master's program. If your DSH cerificate will be issued after the application deadline for the Master's program, you can apply with a DSH-course attendence certificate of Goethe University. In case of admission you have to submit your DSH certificate together with the other documents for enrolment. 

You can find further information on the DSH Preparatory Courses at Goethe University here.