Condensed Matter Theory Seminar

Programm Wintersemester 2013/2014

Veranstaltungsort: Raum 1.114, Physikgebäude

Veranstaltungszeitpunkt: Freitags, 15:00 Uhr c.t.

VortragenderThemaEingeladen von:


Dr. Patrick Navez

(Universität Duisburg-Essen)

The 1/Z method for determining the quasi-particle excitation spectrum of any arbitrary quantum lattice systems (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter


Prof. Dr. Thilo Kopp (Universität Augsburg)

Magnetism and superconductivity at LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interfaces (pdf)

Prof. Valenti


Dr. Agnieszka Cichy (Mickiewicz University, Polen)

The influence of magnetic field on the superconducting properties and the BCS-BEC crossover in systems with local fermion pairing (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter

Prof. Dr. Marc Gabay (Université Paris sud, France)

Topological 2DEG at the 111 surface of KTaO3 (pdf)

Prof. Valenti


Prof. Dr. Guido Pupillo (University of Strasbourg, France)

Defect-induced supersolidity with soft-core Bosons (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter

24.01.2014 Prof. Dr. Guiliano Orso (Université Paris-Diderot, France)

Phase diagram of the driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter


Prof. Dr. Brian M. Andersen (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Disorder in Fe-based superconductors (pdf)

Prof. Valenti


Room 01.11414 Uhr
Michael Buchhold (University of Innsbruck, Österreich)

Universality in the Heating Dynamics of 1DUltracold Bosons (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter