Dr. Veit Bachmann

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der AG Boeckler

Institut für Humangeographie
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften/Geographie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, PEG-Gebäude, Raum 2.G023
60623 Frankfurt am Main

Fon: +49 (0)69 798 35178

E-Mail: bachmann@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung
I am a political geographer with research interests in European Studies, sustainable development and (structural) inequalities. My work relates to social and cultural geography, development studies, (critical) geopolitics, (trans)area studies and migration studies, examining processes of globalization and regionalization in Europe and Africa as well as their effects on global South-North and South-South relations. My conceptual work pursues two strands of research; one that explores the reciprocal relationship between society, politics, economics and space and another one that studies geopolitical and geoeconomic orderings, such as global power hierarchies and European integration.
Currently, I co-chair (with Annika Mattissek) the AK Politische Geographie and co-lead (with Claude Grasland) the French-German (DFG/ANR) project “In the Mirror of the European Neighbourhood (Policy): Mapping Macro-Regional Imaginations" (IMAGEUN).


  • Politische Geographie, Sozialgeographie, Kulturgeographie, Wirtschaftsgeographie
  • European Studies und Europäische Integration
  • Regionalentwicklung und Regionalisierungsprozesse
  • Politische und ökonomische Polarisierung
  • Ungleichheit und sozioräumliche Marginalisierung
  • Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Good Governance
  • Globale Süd-Nord- und Süd-Südbeziehungen
  • Machtverhältnisse und Machthierarchien auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen
  • Sozioräumlichkeit und Interaktionsräume

Current projects:

In the Mirror of the European Neighbourhood (Policy): Mapping Macro-Regional Imaginations (IMAGEUN)

The war in Ukraine is fundamentally rewriting the political geography of the European continent. Also before the Russian invasion to Ukraine, Europe has seen a phase of substantial spatial, social and political restructuring. As the political entity with a claim to integrate the European continent, the EU has been playing a pivotal role in such restructuring: its territory has increased through the accession of 13 Eastern and Southern European countries between 2004 and 2013; it has given itself a new constitution in form of the Lisbon Treaty; it is trying to cope with a severe financial crisis and the rise of nationalist and autocratic appeal in and around it; the Coronacrisis is posing unprecedented sanitary, social and economic challenges on all scales; and, for the first time in its history, it has to work through the loss of a member. Simultaneously, the EU’s neighbourhood is also undergoing severe transformations. Not only because the “neighbourhood” changes in form of accession to the EU or secession from it (Brexit), but also in light of geopolitical shifts, such as the war in Ukraine, the effects of the Arab revolutions (including the wars in Syria and Libya) and the power aspirations of Turkey, Russia, Iran and some Arab States.

The socio-spatial shape of the entire macro-region around the EU, often termed the “European neighbourhood”, thus, has been changing substantially – and with it the relations between EU-members and non-members within this macro-region. Also beyond the EU and its neighbourhood, seemingly stable macro-regional orderings of the world are in flux. These transformations of global macro-regional ordering and the changing meanings of “Europe”, the EU and the relations with its “neighbours” are in the centre of this project. Against this background, it explores geographical imaginations of the socio-spatial shape of this macro-region and the spaces of interaction within it, focussing on six key countries in and around the EU (France, Germany, Turkey, Tunisia, Britain and Ireland) and covering three levels of geopolitical analysis (in higher education systems, amongst public figures, and in agenda-shaping media outlets).

More concretely, the IMAGEUN project pursues two key ambitions. Firstly, it develops a comprehensive and dual comparative account of dominant geographical imaginations between six countries and three levels of geopolitical analysis decisive for shaping such imaginations. Secondly, and in addition to the academic output, it not only studies geopolitical agents on these levels but seeks to stimulate collective thought experiments between those geopolitical agents the involved researchers for developing visions on the future socio-spatial shape of the macro-region. As such, collaboration with fellow researchers, think tanks, political stakeholders, journalists and other public figures is an essential and enduring part of the IMAGEUN project. In so doing, it strives for broad public visibility and high political buy-in through the inclusion of these agents in the research process.


see also https://imageun.eu/

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Bachmann Veit and Sami Moisio. 2022. Reclaiming the knowledge society from “urban economization”: thinking with the Frankfurt School. Geographische Zeitschrift 110 (2): 62-87; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2022. Visionary Geographies and European Studies. Progress in Human Geography 46(2): 416-440; accessible here
  • Sidaway, James D and Veit Bachmann. 2021. Post-Brexit Geopolitics. Geoforum 127: 67-70; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit, Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel and Emma Mawdsley. 2020. The Politics of Development Geographies: New Partners, Transdisciplinary Perspectives. A Conversation with Emma Mawdsley. Erdkunde 74 (3): 205-217; accessible here 
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2020. The resurfacing of German fascism. Political Geography; 81: 102230; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit and Sami Moisio. 2020. Towards a constructive critical geopolitics – Inspirations from the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (2): 251-268
  • Bachmann, Veit and Gerard Toal. 2019. Geopolitics - Thick and Complex. Erdkunde 73 (2): 143-155
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2019. (Trans)regionalism and South-South cooperation: Afrasia instead of Eurafrique? Third World Quarterly 40 (4): 688-709
  • Bachmann, Veit and Julian Stenmanns. 2019. Germany’s (not so) banal militarism. Political Geography 69: 173-176
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2016. Brexit Geopolitics. Geoforum 77: 47–50
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2016. Spaces of Interaction: Enactments of Sociospatial Relations and an Emerging EU Diplomacy in Kenya. Territory, Politics, Governance 4(1): 75-96
  • Rouland, Betty and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Tunisia in 2030: Perspectives and Geopolitical Challenges of a Country in Transition. The Arab World Geographer 18 (1-2): 31-38
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2015. Global Europa, ESPON and the EU’s regulated spaces of interaction. Journal of European Integration 37 (6): 685-703
  • Bachmann, Veit, Jason Dittmer, Sallie Marston, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, Alec Murphy, Merje Kuus. 2015. Bureaucratic fields and the Brussels machinery: Reading Merje Kuus' Geopolitics and Expertise. Political Geography 44: 19-28
  • Moisio, Sami, Veit Bachmann, Luiza Bialasiewicz, Elena Dell’Agnese, Jason Dittmer, Virginie Mamadouh. 2013. Mapping the political geographies of Europeanization: National discourses, external perceptions and the question of popular culture. Progress in Human Geography 37 (6): 737-761
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Europe’s lack of visions. Geopolitics 18 (3): 735-741
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Political Geography’s blindspots: Introducing Jo Sharp’s ‘Geopolitics at the Margins’. Political Geography 37: 18-19
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. A step outside: observations from the world’s youngest state. Geography Compass  7 (11): 778-789
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EU’s civilian/power dilemma. Comparative European Politics 11 (4): 458-480
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EU as a geopolitical and development actor: views from East Africa. L’Espace Politique 19 (1): 2-22
  • Bachmann, Veit and Bernd Belina. 2012. Crisis, Critique and the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography 2011. Antipode 44 (3): 555-559
  • Bachmann, Veit and Luiza Bialasiewicz, James D Sidaway, Matthew Feldman, Ståle Holgersen, Andreas Malm, Robina Mohammad, Arun Saldanha, Kirsten Simonsen. 2012. Bloodlands: critical geographical responses to the 22 July 2011 events in Norway. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30 (2): 191-206
  • Paasche, Till and Veit Bachmann. 2012. The USS New York. ACME 11 (1): 177-183
  • Rovnyi, Ievgenii and Veit Bachmann. 2012. Reflexive Geographies of Europeanization. Geography Compass 6 (5): 260-274
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Participating and observing: positionality and fieldwork relations during Kenya’s post-election crisis. Area 43 (3): 362-368
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2010. African regional integration and European involvement: external agents in the East African Community. South African Geographical Journal 92 (1): 1-6
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2010. From Jackboots to Birkenstocks: The Civilianisation of German Geopolitics in the Twentieth Century. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 101 (3): 320-332
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2010. Kenya's 'Collapse' and its post-election tragedy of the commons. Affect 2 (1): 1-22
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Macht und/oder Modell? Differenzierte Europabilder in Ostafrika. Europa Regional 17(4): 69-80. [appeared in 2011]
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2009. Zivilmacht Europa: a critical geopolitics of the European Union as a global power. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 34 (1): 94-109
  • Hugill, Peter and Veit Bachmann. 2005. The Route to the Techno-Industrial World-Economy and the Transfer of German Organic Chemistry to America before, during, and immediately after World War One. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 3 (2): 158-186

​Monographs and edited volumes

  • Bachmann, Veit. 2016. European External Action: the making of EU diplomacy in Kenya. London: Routledge
  • Bachmann, Veit und Martin Müller (eds). 2015. Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Regulating geopolitical space: EU interaction with East Africa. University of Plymouth [veröffentlicht in Form mehrerer Zeitschriftenartikel]

​Contributions to edited volumes

  • Bachmann, Veit. (2021). Kritische Geopolitik. Humangeographie, ed Schneider-Sliwa, Rita, 467-473. Braunschweig: Westermann
  • Bachmann, Veit and Luiza Bialasiewicz. (2020). Critical Geopolitics. Routledge Handbook of Critical European Union Studies, ed. Diez, Thomas and Yannis Stivachtis, 85-98. London: Routledge
  • Bachmann, Veit. (2019). Geopolitics. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, ed. Ritzer, George. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2017. (The Crisis of) Regional Integration as a Key Aspect in EU External Relations. In Fédéralisme, Décentralisation et Régionalisation de l’Europe: Perspectives comparatives, eds. Calmes-Brunet, Sylvia and Arun Sagar, 263-271. Paris: Lextenso
  • Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller. 2015. Introduction: Global Europa? How, when and to whom? In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 1-13. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Tristl, Christiane, Martin Müller and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Lexicometric analysis: a methodological prelude. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 69-76. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Tristl, Christiane and Veit Bachmann. 2015. European self-perceptions: the EU’s geopolitical identity and role in official documents and speeches. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 77-104. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Kiamba, Anita and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Kenya-EU relations: Perspectives and Expectations. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 145-164. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Müller, Martin and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Conclusion: Looking from the outside in ≠ looking from the inside out. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 187-195. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bolkvadze, Ketevan, Martin Müller, Veit Bachmann. 2014. “I am Georgian and therefore I am European”: Comparing elite and public perceptions of EUrope in Georgia 2003 – 2013. In Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis:  External Perceptions of the European Union, eds. Chaban, Natalia and Martin Holland, 197-219. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. International Organizations. In The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics, eds. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus, Joanne Sharp, 405-420. Farnham: Ashgate
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EAC and India - a view from the outside. In East Africa-India Security Relations, eds. Mwagiru, Makumi and Aparajita Biswas. Nairobi: IDIS/NDC
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. Alte Großmacht-Kontroversen in den Auseinandersetzungen um die ersten Beitritte. In Europa – eine Geographie, eds. Hans Gebhardt, Rüdiger Glaser, Sebastian Lentz. Heidelberg: Spektrum
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. Kontroversen um die EU als politisch-geographisches Projekt. In Europa – eine Geographie, eds. Hans Gebhardt, Rüdiger Glaser, Sebastian Lentz. Heidelberg: Spektrum
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. European spaces of development: aid, regulation and regional integration. In Europe in the World: EU Geopolitics and the Transformation of European Space, ed. Luiza Bialasiewicz, 59-84. Aldershot: Ashgate

​Essays, review articles and other publications

  • Bachmann, Veit, Annika Mattissek, Linda Ruppert, Julian Stenmanns und Alexander Vorbrugg. 2020. Kritische Militärgeographie–Anliegen und Abgrenzungen. Rundbrief Geographie 282: 28-30
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2018. “Eurafrica" is Dead: In Fact, It Never Existed. EuropeNow 15: https://www.europenowjournal.org/2018/02/28/eurafrica-is-dead-in-fact-it-never-existed/
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2017. Rezension zu Von Hirschhausen, Béatrice, Hannes Grandits, Claudia Kraft, Dietmar Müller und Thomas Serrier. 2015. Phantomgrenzen: Räume und Akteure in der Zeit neu denken. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. In Geographische Zeitschrift 105(3-4): 273-276
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Der “Flüchtlingsstrom" ist kein Strom. MiGAZIN 05/12/2013. Accessible on http://www.migazin.de/2013/12/05/der-fluechtlingsstrom-ist-kein-strom/
  • Bachmann, Veit and Patrick Holden. 2012. “Leading Through Civilian Power" or Creeping Inertia? Foreign Policy Journal 22 May 2012. Accessible on http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/22/leading-through-civilian-power-or-creeping-inertia/
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. The EU in Kenya and the World. Accessible on http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb/fb11/ifh/Personen/wiss-mitarb/Bachmann/EU-in-Kenya.pdf
  • Bachmann, Veit and Makumi Mwagiru. 2011. Diversity and Eurocentrism – Incorporating collaboration, not paternalism, into EU aid policy. Internationale Politik Global Edition
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Europas ambivalente Rolle als geopolitischer Akteur. Forschung Frankfurt 3/2011: 23-28
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Common Foreign and Security Policy: Unified European Geopolitics? Fair Observer. Accessible on http://fairobserver.com/article/common-foreign-and-security-policy-unified-european-geopolitics
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Rezension zu Gather, Mathias, Andreas Kagermeier and Martin Lanzendorf. 2008. Geographische Mobilitäts- und Verkehsforschung. Berlin, Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. In Journal of Transport Geography 17 (4): 321-322
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2009. Encore - The Hour of Europe? AAG Newsletter 44: 11
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2008. Rezension zu McGrew, Anthony and Nana K. Poku. 2007. Globalization, Development and Human Security. Polity Press. In Progress in Development Studies 8 (4): 369-370
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2006. Rezension zu Meinig, Donald W. 2004. The Shaping of America – A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History: Volume 4 Global America 1915-2000. New Haven: Yale University Press. In Historical Geography 34: 187-189
  • Seit 2021: Projektleiter „IMAGEUN“ (DFG/ANR) am Institut für Humangeographie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • 2021: Habilitation an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • 2019-2020: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
  • 2010-2019: Projektleiter und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • 2006-2009: PhD an der University of Plymouth zum Thema "Regulating Geopolitical Space: EU Interaction with East Africa"
  • 2004-2006: MSc an der Texas A&M University zum Thema "Geopolitical Influences on German Development Policies in Africa and AIDS Policies in Kenya"
  • 2001-2004: Studium der Geographie, Internationalen Beziehungen und Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Trier


  • Politische Geographie, Sozialgeographie, Kulturgeographie, Wirtschaftsgeographie
  • European Studies und Europäische Integration
  • Regionalentwicklung und Regionalisierungsprozesse
  • Politische und ökonomische Polarisierung
  • Ungleichheit und sozioräumliche Marginalisierung
  • Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Good Governance
  • Globale Süd-Nord- und Süd-Südbeziehungen
  • Machtverhältnisse und Machthierarchien auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen
  • Sozioräumlichkeit und Interaktionsräume

Current projects:

In the Mirror of the European Neighbourhood (Policy): Mapping Macro-Regional Imaginations (IMAGEUN)

The war in Ukraine is fundamentally rewriting the political geography of the European continent. Also before the Russian invasion to Ukraine, Europe has seen a phase of substantial spatial, social and political restructuring. As the political entity with a claim to integrate the European continent, the EU has been playing a pivotal role in such restructuring: its territory has increased through the accession of 13 Eastern and Southern European countries between 2004 and 2013; it has given itself a new constitution in form of the Lisbon Treaty; it is trying to cope with a severe financial crisis and the rise of nationalist and autocratic appeal in and around it; the Coronacrisis is posing unprecedented sanitary, social and economic challenges on all scales; and, for the first time in its history, it has to work through the loss of a member. Simultaneously, the EU’s neighbourhood is also undergoing severe transformations. Not only because the “neighbourhood” changes in form of accession to the EU or secession from it (Brexit), but also in light of geopolitical shifts, such as the war in Ukraine, the effects of the Arab revolutions (including the wars in Syria and Libya) and the power aspirations of Turkey, Russia, Iran and some Arab States.

The socio-spatial shape of the entire macro-region around the EU, often termed the “European neighbourhood”, thus, has been changing substantially – and with it the relations between EU-members and non-members within this macro-region. Also beyond the EU and its neighbourhood, seemingly stable macro-regional orderings of the world are in flux. These transformations of global macro-regional ordering and the changing meanings of “Europe”, the EU and the relations with its “neighbours” are in the centre of this project. Against this background, it explores geographical imaginations of the socio-spatial shape of this macro-region and the spaces of interaction within it, focussing on six key countries in and around the EU (France, Germany, Turkey, Tunisia, Britain and Ireland) and covering three levels of geopolitical analysis (in higher education systems, amongst public figures, and in agenda-shaping media outlets).

More concretely, the IMAGEUN project pursues two key ambitions. Firstly, it develops a comprehensive and dual comparative account of dominant geographical imaginations between six countries and three levels of geopolitical analysis decisive for shaping such imaginations. Secondly, and in addition to the academic output, it not only studies geopolitical agents on these levels but seeks to stimulate collective thought experiments between those geopolitical agents the involved researchers for developing visions on the future socio-spatial shape of the macro-region. As such, collaboration with fellow researchers, think tanks, political stakeholders, journalists and other public figures is an essential and enduring part of the IMAGEUN project. In so doing, it strives for broad public visibility and high political buy-in through the inclusion of these agents in the research process.


see also https://imageun.eu/

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Bachmann Veit and Sami Moisio. 2022. Reclaiming the knowledge society from “urban economization”: thinking with the Frankfurt School. Geographische Zeitschrift 110 (2): 62-87; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2022. Visionary Geographies and European Studies. Progress in Human Geography 46(2): 416-440; accessible here
  • Sidaway, James D and Veit Bachmann. 2021. Post-Brexit Geopolitics. Geoforum 127: 67-70; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit, Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel and Emma Mawdsley. 2020. The Politics of Development Geographies: New Partners, Transdisciplinary Perspectives. A Conversation with Emma Mawdsley. Erdkunde 74 (3): 205-217; accessible here 
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2020. The resurfacing of German fascism. Political Geography; 81: 102230; accessible here
  • Bachmann, Veit and Sami Moisio. 2020. Towards a constructive critical geopolitics – Inspirations from the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (2): 251-268
  • Bachmann, Veit and Gerard Toal. 2019. Geopolitics - Thick and Complex. Erdkunde 73 (2): 143-155
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2019. (Trans)regionalism and South-South cooperation: Afrasia instead of Eurafrique? Third World Quarterly 40 (4): 688-709
  • Bachmann, Veit and Julian Stenmanns. 2019. Germany’s (not so) banal militarism. Political Geography 69: 173-176
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2016. Brexit Geopolitics. Geoforum 77: 47–50
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2016. Spaces of Interaction: Enactments of Sociospatial Relations and an Emerging EU Diplomacy in Kenya. Territory, Politics, Governance 4(1): 75-96
  • Rouland, Betty and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Tunisia in 2030: Perspectives and Geopolitical Challenges of a Country in Transition. The Arab World Geographer 18 (1-2): 31-38
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2015. Global Europa, ESPON and the EU’s regulated spaces of interaction. Journal of European Integration 37 (6): 685-703
  • Bachmann, Veit, Jason Dittmer, Sallie Marston, Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary, Alec Murphy, Merje Kuus. 2015. Bureaucratic fields and the Brussels machinery: Reading Merje Kuus' Geopolitics and Expertise. Political Geography 44: 19-28
  • Moisio, Sami, Veit Bachmann, Luiza Bialasiewicz, Elena Dell’Agnese, Jason Dittmer, Virginie Mamadouh. 2013. Mapping the political geographies of Europeanization: National discourses, external perceptions and the question of popular culture. Progress in Human Geography 37 (6): 737-761
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Europe’s lack of visions. Geopolitics 18 (3): 735-741
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Political Geography’s blindspots: Introducing Jo Sharp’s ‘Geopolitics at the Margins’. Political Geography 37: 18-19
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. A step outside: observations from the world’s youngest state. Geography Compass  7 (11): 778-789
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EU’s civilian/power dilemma. Comparative European Politics 11 (4): 458-480
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EU as a geopolitical and development actor: views from East Africa. L’Espace Politique 19 (1): 2-22
  • Bachmann, Veit and Bernd Belina. 2012. Crisis, Critique and the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography 2011. Antipode 44 (3): 555-559
  • Bachmann, Veit and Luiza Bialasiewicz, James D Sidaway, Matthew Feldman, Ståle Holgersen, Andreas Malm, Robina Mohammad, Arun Saldanha, Kirsten Simonsen. 2012. Bloodlands: critical geographical responses to the 22 July 2011 events in Norway. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30 (2): 191-206
  • Paasche, Till and Veit Bachmann. 2012. The USS New York. ACME 11 (1): 177-183
  • Rovnyi, Ievgenii and Veit Bachmann. 2012. Reflexive Geographies of Europeanization. Geography Compass 6 (5): 260-274
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Participating and observing: positionality and fieldwork relations during Kenya’s post-election crisis. Area 43 (3): 362-368
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2010. African regional integration and European involvement: external agents in the East African Community. South African Geographical Journal 92 (1): 1-6
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2010. From Jackboots to Birkenstocks: The Civilianisation of German Geopolitics in the Twentieth Century. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 101 (3): 320-332
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2010. Kenya's 'Collapse' and its post-election tragedy of the commons. Affect 2 (1): 1-22
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Macht und/oder Modell? Differenzierte Europabilder in Ostafrika. Europa Regional 17(4): 69-80. [appeared in 2011]
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2009. Zivilmacht Europa: a critical geopolitics of the European Union as a global power. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 34 (1): 94-109
  • Hugill, Peter and Veit Bachmann. 2005. The Route to the Techno-Industrial World-Economy and the Transfer of German Organic Chemistry to America before, during, and immediately after World War One. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 3 (2): 158-186

​Monographs and edited volumes

  • Bachmann, Veit. 2016. European External Action: the making of EU diplomacy in Kenya. London: Routledge
  • Bachmann, Veit und Martin Müller (eds). 2015. Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Regulating geopolitical space: EU interaction with East Africa. University of Plymouth [veröffentlicht in Form mehrerer Zeitschriftenartikel]

​Contributions to edited volumes

  • Bachmann, Veit. (2021). Kritische Geopolitik. Humangeographie, ed Schneider-Sliwa, Rita, 467-473. Braunschweig: Westermann
  • Bachmann, Veit and Luiza Bialasiewicz. (2020). Critical Geopolitics. Routledge Handbook of Critical European Union Studies, ed. Diez, Thomas and Yannis Stivachtis, 85-98. London: Routledge
  • Bachmann, Veit. (2019). Geopolitics. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, ed. Ritzer, George. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2017. (The Crisis of) Regional Integration as a Key Aspect in EU External Relations. In Fédéralisme, Décentralisation et Régionalisation de l’Europe: Perspectives comparatives, eds. Calmes-Brunet, Sylvia and Arun Sagar, 263-271. Paris: Lextenso
  • Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller. 2015. Introduction: Global Europa? How, when and to whom? In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 1-13. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Tristl, Christiane, Martin Müller and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Lexicometric analysis: a methodological prelude. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 69-76. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Tristl, Christiane and Veit Bachmann. 2015. European self-perceptions: the EU’s geopolitical identity and role in official documents and speeches. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 77-104. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Kiamba, Anita and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Kenya-EU relations: Perspectives and Expectations. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 145-164. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Müller, Martin and Veit Bachmann. 2015. Conclusion: Looking from the outside in ≠ looking from the inside out. In Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Looking in from the Outside, eds. Bachmann, Veit and Martin Müller, 187-195. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bolkvadze, Ketevan, Martin Müller, Veit Bachmann. 2014. “I am Georgian and therefore I am European”: Comparing elite and public perceptions of EUrope in Georgia 2003 – 2013. In Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis:  External Perceptions of the European Union, eds. Chaban, Natalia and Martin Holland, 197-219. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. International Organizations. In The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics, eds. Klaus Dodds, Merje Kuus, Joanne Sharp, 405-420. Farnham: Ashgate
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. The EAC and India - a view from the outside. In East Africa-India Security Relations, eds. Mwagiru, Makumi and Aparajita Biswas. Nairobi: IDIS/NDC
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. Alte Großmacht-Kontroversen in den Auseinandersetzungen um die ersten Beitritte. In Europa – eine Geographie, eds. Hans Gebhardt, Rüdiger Glaser, Sebastian Lentz. Heidelberg: Spektrum
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. Kontroversen um die EU als politisch-geographisches Projekt. In Europa – eine Geographie, eds. Hans Gebhardt, Rüdiger Glaser, Sebastian Lentz. Heidelberg: Spektrum
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. European spaces of development: aid, regulation and regional integration. In Europe in the World: EU Geopolitics and the Transformation of European Space, ed. Luiza Bialasiewicz, 59-84. Aldershot: Ashgate

​Essays, review articles and other publications

  • Bachmann, Veit, Annika Mattissek, Linda Ruppert, Julian Stenmanns und Alexander Vorbrugg. 2020. Kritische Militärgeographie–Anliegen und Abgrenzungen. Rundbrief Geographie 282: 28-30
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2018. “Eurafrica" is Dead: In Fact, It Never Existed. EuropeNow 15: https://www.europenowjournal.org/2018/02/28/eurafrica-is-dead-in-fact-it-never-existed/
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2017. Rezension zu Von Hirschhausen, Béatrice, Hannes Grandits, Claudia Kraft, Dietmar Müller und Thomas Serrier. 2015. Phantomgrenzen: Räume und Akteure in der Zeit neu denken. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. In Geographische Zeitschrift 105(3-4): 273-276
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2013. Der “Flüchtlingsstrom" ist kein Strom. MiGAZIN 05/12/2013. Accessible on http://www.migazin.de/2013/12/05/der-fluechtlingsstrom-ist-kein-strom/
  • Bachmann, Veit and Patrick Holden. 2012. “Leading Through Civilian Power" or Creeping Inertia? Foreign Policy Journal 22 May 2012. Accessible on http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/22/leading-through-civilian-power-or-creeping-inertia/
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2012. The EU in Kenya and the World. Accessible on http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb/fb11/ifh/Personen/wiss-mitarb/Bachmann/EU-in-Kenya.pdf
  • Bachmann, Veit and Makumi Mwagiru. 2011. Diversity and Eurocentrism – Incorporating collaboration, not paternalism, into EU aid policy. Internationale Politik Global Edition
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Europas ambivalente Rolle als geopolitischer Akteur. Forschung Frankfurt 3/2011: 23-28
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2011. Common Foreign and Security Policy: Unified European Geopolitics? Fair Observer. Accessible on http://fairobserver.com/article/common-foreign-and-security-policy-unified-european-geopolitics
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2009. Rezension zu Gather, Mathias, Andreas Kagermeier and Martin Lanzendorf. 2008. Geographische Mobilitäts- und Verkehsforschung. Berlin, Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. In Journal of Transport Geography 17 (4): 321-322
  • Bachmann, Veit and James D Sidaway. 2009. Encore - The Hour of Europe? AAG Newsletter 44: 11
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2008. Rezension zu McGrew, Anthony and Nana K. Poku. 2007. Globalization, Development and Human Security. Polity Press. In Progress in Development Studies 8 (4): 369-370
  • Bachmann, Veit. 2006. Rezension zu Meinig, Donald W. 2004. The Shaping of America – A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History: Volume 4 Global America 1915-2000. New Haven: Yale University Press. In Historical Geography 34: 187-189
  • Seit 2021: Projektleiter „IMAGEUN“ (DFG/ANR) am Institut für Humangeographie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • 2021: Habilitation an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • 2019-2020: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
  • 2010-2019: Projektleiter und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • 2006-2009: PhD an der University of Plymouth zum Thema "Regulating Geopolitical Space: EU Interaction with East Africa"
  • 2004-2006: MSc an der Texas A&M University zum Thema "Geopolitical Influences on German Development Policies in Africa and AIDS Policies in Kenya"
  • 2001-2004: Studium der Geographie, Internationalen Beziehungen und Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Trier