
Physikalisches Institut

Arbeitsgruppe Terahertz-Photonik
Raum: _0.217
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon: 069 798-47211
Fax: 069 798-47221
E-Mail: Cibiraite(at)


Current reasearch interests

  • Investigation and design of plasmonic terahertz detectors.
  • High resolution THz camera.

Curriculum Vitae

2016 - today Early stage researcher and a PhD candidate. Her research focuses on investigation and design of plasmonic GaN HEMT, SiMOS, Graphene-FET based detectors and further application for high resolution camera for the project ITN CELTA (Convergence of electronics and photonics technologies for enabling THz applications)
2014 - 2016 Master thesis focusing on the terahertz rectification in monolayer graphene field-effect transistors at Vilnius university, Lithuania.
2010 - 2014

Bachelor thesis focusing on spectral and correlation analysis of fluctuations of cardiovascular system signals at Vilnius university, Lithuania