Biogeography and Biodiversity Lab

Biogeography and Biodiversity Lab

Welcome to the Biogeography and Biodiversity Lab of Prof. Dr. Severin Irl! We are a young lab that gets excited about all aspects revolving around biogeography, (macro)ecology and biodiversity science. We use islands and island-like habitats such as habitat islands or mountain systems as model systems to study patterns and processes generating diversity and endemism in space and time. However, we are also interested in influences that threaten all aspects of diversity such as (anthropogenic) disturbances, neobiota or climate change. Mainly we use plants as study objects because plants are the basis of all terrestrial life and they usually don’t run away!

One of our favorite islands is la isla bonita. This beautiful island, also known as La Palma on the Canary Islands, is lush green and dusty desert-like, impossibly steep and gently rolling, has the bluest skies and ever-present clouds, you can find dragons, giant rosettes and dandelion trees, you can bathe in a sea of clouds and indulge in the finest wines, you can see more stars than you’ve ever dreamed of and watch fiery red sunsets that rival the glowing hot lava that built the island! Sound interesting? Then, get in contact or drop by our offices at the Institute of Physical Geography at the Goethe-University Frankfurt.


Wichtigte Hinweise

Sep 19
00:00 Uhr

ARTE documentary - "Der Vulkan von La Palma"

New ARTE documentary about the volcanic eruption on La Palma with a scientific contribution by Prof. Severin Irl.

Please find the documentary here.

Wichtigte Hinweise

Sep 25
00:00 Uhr

Science Award for Physical Geography

Prof. Dr. Irl received the "Wissenschaftspreis für Physische Geographie 2019" of the Prof. Dr. Frithjof Voss foundation.

Please find more information here.

Wichtigte Hinweise

Apr 15
00:00 Uhr

Interview with Deutschlandfunk

Prof. Irl is interviewed by Deutschlandfunk about his latest publication in which the effect of invasive rabbits on endemic plants are analysed (german only).


Prof. Dr. Severin Irl

Geozentrum / Campus Riedberg
Raum 2.225

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Institut für Physische Geographie
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49-69-798-40171
Twitter: @Severin_Irl