Dr. Matteo Costantini

I have moved as a Postdoc in the university of Bonn. This is my new webpage.



I am interested in the study of representations of fundamental groups of Riemann surfaces and the corresponding flat vector bundles. In particular I like how algebraic geometry allows to study dynamical system invariants on the moduli space of flat vector bundles. I am also interested in the study of special flat bundles given as the cohomology vector bundles over affine invariant submanifolds of strata of abelian differentials. 

Publications and Preprints

     (arXiv:1601.02783v2 [math.GT]) 

      (arXiv:1810.12623 [math.GT] )

My thesis, Lyapunov exponents on character varieties and Teichmüller curves, was defended on September 12, 2018, and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Möller.

In my master thesis I studied algebraic cycles on K3 surfaces. I focused on understanding some recent articles related to conjectures about 0-cycles on this surfaces. I took my master degree in Milan (Italy) with Prof. Van Geemen as my advisor.

