
Frequently asked questions

Application for the STS master's program

Where can I find information about the study requirements and the application process?
You can find more information on the application procedure on the webpage of Goethe University.

When is the application deadline? And when do I receive an answer?
The deadline is June 15th each year. A notice of acceptance or refusal will be sent out between mid-August and September.

Can I send my application via mail to the university?
Please apply via uni assist. Applications coming directly to our institute cannot be processed.

When does the application portal (Uni Assist) open?
Usually some weeks prior to the application deadline, which is June 15th each year.

Do I need a supervisor to apply?
No, you do not.

Can I also apply for a start in the summer term?
No, you can't. Our master's program starts once annually in the winter term (October).

Apart from the stated requirements, will there be an entrance exam or aptitude test?
No, there will be no additional tests.

Where can I check my application status?
You can check your status on uni assist.

Can I get a confirmation that I have submitted my application?
Yes, you can get a certificate from the Studien-Service-Center if you successfully submitted all of your documents. If you have further questions about the application procedure, please contact

Eligibility & language requirements

Can I apply for the master's program if I already have a master's degree in a different subject or from a non-EU university?
Yes, we accept students who already have a master's degree.

Is my bachelor's degree suitable for the master's program?
A Bachelor degree in Social or Cultural Anthropology, European Ethnology, Sociology, or Human Geography is required. Graduates of other disciplines in the social sciences, humanities and information sciences are admitted in exceptional cases and on the basis that their degree is considered equivalent by the Admissions Committee. Documented proof will be required of training in methods (such as ethnography or social research), theories (social theory, etc.) and/or topics of Cultural Anthropology, European Ethnology, Sociology, or Human Geography.

What information should my motivation letter contain?
The motivation letter should describe your motivation for pursuing the master's degree. It should provide information about your particular interest in the master's program as well as your relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities. It can also include additional information about non-university activities (such as work experience), which qualify you for the master's program. The motivation letter will be graded. Its length should not exceed 600 words and it should be written in English.

How do I verify my English skills?
Verification of your English skills (at least B2 level) is necessary. You can confirm your B2-level English skills with a standard test like TOEFL, with your school graduation certificate (you have studied English as a foreign language over at least 5 years and have passed with a grade of at least “satisfactory”), or with your Bachelor graduation certificate (if you have studied in an English-language study program). A certificate or likewise document is required to confirm your English skills.

What TOEFL score is minimally required?
You need to reach a score of at least 87.

Do I need to verify my German skills?
No, you do not. However, a working knowledge of German is strongly recommended, as general information about the university and the administration is often not available in English.

Studying the STS master's program

What are Science and Technology Studies (STS)?
STS are an interdisciplinary endeavor, bringing together sociologists, philosophers, historians, as well as anthropologists, human geographers, political scientists in their shared inquiries into the role of scientific knowledge, technologies and infrastructures in modern societies. MA programs that offer training in STS come by many names, such as Science, Technology, Society or History and Philosophy of Science.

How is the program structured?
An introductory module will inform you about the current states of research and international theoretical discussions. The research curriculum (four one-semester modules) spans the entire duration of the two-year master's program, engaging students in a research-oriented learning process, and giving them the opportunity to develop analytical and critical skills. It provides students with the necessary methodological underpinnings in order to plan, conduct, and evaluate their fieldwork projects. There are also three optional modules to choose from, two of them must be completed. Please also see the study and examination regulations (PDF, German only).

Can I study the STS master's program as a minor subject (Nebenfach)?
No, the STS master's program is a full major program with no minor subject possibilities.

What is the time frame for the master's program?
The STS master's program is designed so that it can be completed in two years (four semesters).

How interdisciplinary is the STS master's program?
We are cooperating with theInstitute of Sociology as well as with the Institute of Human Geography. Designated courses offered in their MA programs can also be taken.

Where can I see which courses are currently being offered?
You can search for seminars and lectures on the administration server QIS/LSF. Click on Startseite → Veranstaltungen → Vorlesungsverzeichnis. The default should be set to the current or upcoming term, but make sure you have selected the correct term (right upper corner). Then click on Lehrveranstaltungen des Fachbereichs 9 - Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften → Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie → Master Science and Technology Studies. Economies, Governance, Life. Click on the module you are interested in visiting, and see the seminars offered.

Getting started

Is there a mailing list or a Facebook page?
Yes, please feel free to join our mailing list, visit our Facebook page, and find us on Twitter.

Is there a students' association at the institute?
Yes, please contact the student's association via E-Mail or join its Facebook Group. Also, you may be interested in the GeFKA (Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kulturanthropologie, engl.: Society for the Promotion of Cultural Anthropology). For more information, please contact GeFKA presidents Johanna Sentef or Semestertermine (term dates).

Is the orientation meeting mandatory?
No, it is not. But we strongly recommend you do attend, as we will talk about our institute, the staff working here, your schedule, and much more. Moreover, it is a good situation to ask all the questions you have. Information as to when and where the orientation meeting takes place are available on QIS/LSF and on the start page of the institute's website.

Is there a tool I can use to build my schedule?
Yes, you can use the scheduling tool on the administration server QIS/LSF.

I can't sign in for courses on QIS/LSF! What should I do?
Don't panic. There are only a few courses for which you must sign in, for most it is not necessary. Just show up at the first session.

Living and studying in Frankfurt

I need a letter of acceptance in order to obtain a Visa. Where do I get the letter of acceptance from?
You can download the letter from your account at the university's Goethe Campus portal.

What are the fees for the STS master's program?
There are no tuition fees, only administrative fees (“term time fee”). The university re-assesses the administrative fees each year, so that the amount changes slightly. To give you a benchmark, the fee for the winter semester 2017/18 was 362,75 EUR (three hundred sixty-two Euro and seventy-five cents).

Will I be able to work besides the study program?
The study program is a full-time master's program. Even though you do not have classes every day, you will need the time to prepare for your courses.

Will I have the opportunity to go abroad within the master's program?
Yes, we recommend the third semester for studying abroad. There are several exchange programs available. Details can be found at the institute's website (German only).

Where can I find an accommodation?
You can stay temporarily at a hostel in Frankfurt or Airbnb to find accommodation before your arrival. If you start looking for accommodation once in Frankfurt you have the advantage of being able to visit the rooms on offer. You can, for example, look for shared flats on the website

Where do I find more information about living in Frankfurt?
If you need further information regarding housing and living in Frankfurt, please visit the Goethe University's International Office's webpage.

Further Help

I have difficulties navigating the application platform. Whom can I contact?
Please see the FAQs page on uni assist.

I have questions about Visa requirements. Whom can I contact?
Please contact your embassy or consulate for questions concerning your Visa.

I am planning my studies and I need further advice. Whom can I contact?
You may contact Dr. Laura Otto, Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Email: