Veranstaltungen Sommersemester 2016

Lecture Series „Aktuelle Konzepte und Befunde fallbasierter Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen“


  Wirkungen und Bedingungen des Einsatzes von Unterrichtsvideos in der Ausbildung von Lehrpersonen
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Krammer (Luzern)


  Lernen mit Videofällen: (Wie) Gelingt der Transfer von der Forschung in die Praxis?
Prof. Dr. Josef Schrader (Tübingen/Bonn)



Pädagogische Praxis als Gegenstand fallbasierter Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen
Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh (Berlin)


  Professionalität und Professionalisierung von Lehrpersonen: Theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Ansätze und aktuelle Herausforderungen
Prof. Dr. Ewald Terhart (Münster)


  • Quantitative Methoden der Bildungsforschung
    Dr. Mark Ullrich
    08.06.2016, 09:00-16:00 Uhr & 09.06.2016, 09:00-12:00 Uhr
  • Forschen in Bildungskontexten: Von der ersten Idee zum kohärenten Forschungsdesign
    Dr. Kenneth Horvath
    12.05. & 13.05.2016 | jeweils 10-17 Uhr
  • Grundformen qualitativer Bildungs- und Sozialforschung
    Dr. Larissa Schindler
    18.04.2016, | 10-17 Uhr


Public Lecture: Education and the Commercial Mindset
Samuel E. Abrams
The impress of business on education has long been in evidence but has intensified significantly since the fall of the Berlin Wall and ensuing embrace of laissez-faire remedies. Drawing on his book Education and the Commercial Mindest (Harvard University Press, 2016), Samuel E. Abrams will examine this transformation with particular attention to the evolution of for-profit school management companies in Sweden and the United States, their impact on education policy, and the limits of the market model.

Zeit und Ort: 06.07.2016, 16-18 Uhr, Campus Westend, Casino 1.811


Graduate Seminar: Education, Business, and Conflict
Samuel E. Abrams
The duality of culture and commerce has a long history. Athens represents the former, Corinth the latter. Yet laissez-faire advocates since the 1950s have pushed to erase the boundaries and make education a business. Drawing on his book Education and the Commercial Mindset, published in May by Harvard University Press, Samuel E. Abrams will explain the evolution of free market solutions for education and their limits. Abrams will pay particular attention to works in economics on asymmetry of information and incomplete contracting by Ronald Coase, Kenneth Arrow, Oliver Williamson, and Henry Hansmann.

Zeit und Ort: 07.07.2016, 16-20 Uhr, Campus Westend, Seminarhaus 3.105

Samuel E. Abrams is director of the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He was previously a high school teacher of economics and history for 18 years.

FR-Artikel zur Auftaktverantstaltung / FR article on kick-off event