Dr. Heide Düvel, Senior Scientist, Expert Poerations and Strategic Planning, R&D, Merck

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28.10.2021 | 16 Uhr | online via zoom | GRADE Center BioMed FIRST

Dr. Heide Marika Düvel obtained her diploma in human biology / biomedical science at Philipps University Marburg in 2011. Subsequently, she pursued her PhD in the laboratory of Prof. Christian Behrends at Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University Frankfurt. There, her studies were centered around autophagy and ubiquitination, two major cellular quality control pathways.

After graduating in 2015, she shifted her focus from research to scientific project management by taking over the coordination of two collaborative research networks in the field of her PhD work (LOEWE Ub-Net and CRC 1177 on selective autophagy). In 2019, after having accompanied these networks for a full funding period, she joined Sanofi (Frankfurt) as a laboratory head for bioanalytical quality control of therapeutical antibodies. A year later she moved to her current position at Merck (Darmstadt) where we works as an Operational Expert in the department of Drug Metabolism and Pharmocokinetics for New Chemical Entities (NCE DMPK).

She will give insights into content and requirements of her past and current position(s) and share her view on the difference between academia and the pharmaceutical industry.

Head of lab at for immunometabolism in autoimmune diseases, with Dr. Ekaterina Zezina, Sanofi

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28. July 2021 | 16:30 | online

Dr. Ekaterina Zezina studied Immunology/Biochemistry at Moscow State University, and did her PhD in the lab of Prof. Bernhard Brüne at the Uniklinik in Frankfurt. In 2018 she joined Sanofi (Frankfurt) as a postdoctoral researcher. Now she is a head of laboratory at Sanofi, with the main focus on immunometabolism in autoimmune diseases.

She will give general insights into the research in pharma industry as well as career opportunities.

How I met my dream job - My way to become a Medical Scientific Liaison, with Dr. Claus Schuh (Sandoz/Novartis)

Centre biomed firstzeichenfla %c3%aache 3 s

14. July 2021 | 16:30 | online

After studying life sciences and finishing a PhD most of us face the reality of “What the heck do I do now?”. Career fairs and PhD programs provide more and more ideas what to do next but often it is not clear what industry jobs really are about.

Medical Affairs is rather young function in pharmaceutical companies and is still developing and shaping. In short Medical Affairs provides the non-sales connection to Health Care Professionals (HCPs), Patient Organizations and the connection to Clinical Research, but also provides medical expertise inside the company to other functions. In this career talk I would like to give you an idea what a Medical Affairs job in the pharmaceutical industry is about, how a normal week is looking like, how I came to Medical affairs and what skills are helpful to get you there.

Since Medical Affairs is an integrative function in most pharma companies I can also provide you some side views on what my colleagues in e.g. Marketing, Sales, Compliance, Regulatory Affairs and Supply Chain are doing if you are interested in these functions.

Dr. Claus Schuh studied Biology at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Germany before doing his PhD on “Prostanoids in central and peripheral pain processing” at Gerd Geisslinger‘s Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the University Hospital Frankfurt in the group of Klaus Scholich. Afterwards, he worked six years as a Postdoc at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Zurich (UZH) establishing and developing in vivo renal Multiphoton Imaging in the mouse. After a short project as coordinator for clinical studies at the University Hospital Zurich he joined Sandoz/Novartis Switzerland as Medical Scientific Liaison/ Medical Advisor in July 2020.

Dr. Anja Hofmann: GSK & Biospring

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8. Juni 2021 | 16:30 Uhr | online | eine Veranstaltung von BioMed First

Frau Dr. Anja Hofmann hat Biologie im Bachelor und Technische Biologie im Master an der TU Darmstadt studiert. Im Anschluss hat sie im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Forschungsschwerpunktes CompuGene promoviert. Dafür hat sie im Arbeitskreis Kolmar am Einbau synthetischer, CRISPR/dCas9 basierter Schaltkreise ins Hefegenom geforscht. Anfang 2020 ist sie als Prozessspezialistin bei dem Pharma-Riesen GSK eingestiegen. Hier hat sie sich Schwerpunktmäßig mit Changes auseinandergesetzt.

Bedingt durch eine personelle Umstrukturierung am Standort hat sich Frau Dr. Hofmann Ende 2020 entschieden zu dem mittelständigen Unternehmen BioSpring zu wechseln. Hier arbeitet sie als QA Managerin, Schwerpunkt Stabilitätsstudien daran, das stark wachsende Unternehmen im Bereich GMP zu festigen und auszubauen. Durch diesen Background wird Frau Dr. Hofmann am 08.06.2021 auf Unterschiede zwischen großen und kleinen Firmen aufmerksam machen. Des Weiteren wird sie auf die Bedeutung von außeruniversitären Beschäftigungen eingehen. Sie selbst hat sich bewusst für Nebenjobs entschieden, welche vielseitig waren und einen Einblick in potentielle Arbeitsfelder boten. Während ihrer Promotion hat sie sich einen Forschungsaufenthalt in den USA organisiert, und ist zudem sozial engagiert.

Commercial development at Bio-Techne - Shreeman Misurya

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19. Mai 2021 | 16:30 Uhr | online | GRADE BioMed First

Shreeman “Shree“ Misurya obtained his degree in Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in Minnesota, United States. During his undergraduate degree apart from working with various different labs, ranging from Microbiology to Environmental Engineering labs, Shree has research internships and experience from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India; Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway; the Medical University of Lodz, Poland; and Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea.

After his graduation in 2017, Shree joined R&D Systems - a global, publicly-listed biotechnology company, headquartered in Minneapolis, USA, that develops and manufactures proteins, antibodies, ELISAs, and other tools to accelerate life sciences research across the world as a Research Associate working on the SimplePlexTM immunoassay platform. Driven by a desire to develop a greater commercial knowledge and business acumen to complement his R&D background, after a year in the Simple Plex R&D team, Shree joined Bio-Techne’s commercial development team where he now closely works with clients from across the world, with scientific goals ranging from cancer research to new diagnostic development, to further drive their reserach goals by leveraging Bio-Techne’s long-standing expertise in diverse life science fields. Shree recently relocated to Oxford, UK and continues to work with Bio-Techne with a newer emphasis on its EMEA business. He aims to complement his biological engineering degree and biotechnology professional experience with a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in the near future to continune his passion for leveraging synergy between business and technology.

The focus of this talk will be on the different roles available within a typical life science company and how their suitability for different graduate students.

Merz Consumer Care GmbH - im Gespräch mit Dr. Heike Wernicke

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22. April 2021 | 17:00 Uhr | online | eine Veranstaltung von GRADE BioMed First

Arbeitgeber:   Merz Consumer Care GmbH
Branche:   Fast Moving Consumer Goods, OTC
Tätigkeitsfeld:   Regulatory Affairs & Pharmacovigilance
Marken:   tetesept, Merz Spezial
Verkehrsformen:   Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte, Lebensmittel, Kosmetika

Dr. phil. nat. Heike Wernicke: Studium der Pharmazie Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (2009-2014), Promotion in Molecular Medicine Uniklinik Frankfurt (2015-2019).

Dr. Wernicke koordiniert die Pharmakovigilanztätigkeiten der tetesept Arzneimittel und verantwortet das Risikomanagement (Koordinierung möglicher Rückrufe, Referrals etc) sowie das PV Awareness Training.

Gleichzeitig ist sie in der Produktentwicklung der tetesept Erkältungsmedizin tätig. In der Konzeptentwicklung neuer Produkte ist sie wissenschaftliche und regulatorische Inputgeberin und sichert hierdurch Wirkrationale und Claims der Produkte ab. Zudem verantwortet sie klinische Studien und erstellt u.a. wissenschaftlich-regulatorische Stellungnahmen.

Klinischer Monitor mit Dr. Nona Heueis

17. März 2021 | online | eine Veranstaltung von GRADE BioMed First

Dr. Nona Heueis studierte Biologie an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main und promovierte im Arbeitskreis Süß in Darmstadt mit dem Thema kleine, nicht-kodierende RNAs in Streptomyces coelicolor. Im Anschluss an die Promotion folgten ein mehrmonatiger Arbeitsaufenthalt in Neuseeland und die halbjährige Weiterbildung "Life Science Management" in München.

Anfang 2017 startete sie bei der Heraeus Medical GmbH als Managerin Clinical Studies. Sie betreute zunächst das Projektmanagement einer laufenden klinischen Studie in Italien und etablierte ein Vorgehen zur Beobachtung der Produkte nach Marktzugang entsprechend der gestiegenen regulatorischen EU-Vorgaben. Seit 2018 liegt der Arbeitsfokus als Manager Clinical Development auf der Erstellung der klinischen Produktdossiers mit starker Vernetzung in alle Abteilungen des Unternehmens (Risikomanagement, Regulatory Affairs, Qualitätsmanagement, Marketing...), auf internationaler Behördenkorrespondenz und der klinischen Strategieführung bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte. 

Dr. Ivan Krstic, Elsevier, on development of software for chemists in pharma and academia

9. Februar 2021 | Englisch | online | eine Veranstaltung von GRADE BioMed First

Dr. Ivan Krstic studied chemistry in Belgrade and did his PhD at the Goethe-University in the Prisner lab. He stayed on as postdoc for 2 years, and then decided to join Elsevier as a Customer Support Specialist. He is now Director of Product Management and Head of Chemistry Solutions, responsible for business growth, strategy development, roadmap execution, and the overall product management of Reaxys. He and his team work closely with pharma customers to help them solve challenges in early drug discovery and lead optimization, using Elsevier‘s chemistry software Reaxys applying Agile and Lean methodologies. What he likes most is that he is in constant contact with researchers at different stage of their career and tries to help them solving their scientific problems.

Transition from PhD/postdoc to a non-academic career attracts his interest and he has given several presentations and workshops on this topic, for instance at his former research group, but also at universities around the world. He is happy to share his knowledge and experience at Elsevier and address some of the challenges and fears he has noticed even with successful and now senior scientists at large companies or at universities.

This Career Talk will focus on chemists, biologists and pharmacists as that is what his life science unit covers, others are also very welcome.