M.Sc. Luca Mackenbach

Research Assistant and Doctoral Student

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, PEG, Room 5.G025
Office hours: by appointment
E-Mail: mackenbach@psych.uni-frankfurt.de                                                                                                       

Education and Professional Experience

Since 01/2024
Lecturer, Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Hildesheim

Since 11/2023      
Research Assistant and Doctoral Student, Work and Organizational Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt

2020 – 2023         
M.Sc. Psychology with distinction, Justus Liebig University Giessen & University of Vienna
Thesis: “When dreams get haunted by work: A daily diary study on the relationships between challenge and hindrance demands, rumination, and dream content”, supervised by Prof. Dr. Jan Häusser & Dr. Sascha Abdel Hadi

2019 – 2023          
Student Assistant, Social Psychology, Justus Liebig University Giessen

2019 – 2023
Tutor, Experimental Psychology, Justus Liebig University Giessen

2019 – 2020         
Student Assistant, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Justus Liebig University Giessen

2016 – 2020          
B.Sc. Psychology, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Thesis: “Is work keeping us awake? A daily diary study on the effects of job demands and rumination on sleep quality”, supervised by Prof. Dr. Jan Häusser & Dr. Janina Janurek

Research Interests

  • Sleep and work
  • Recovery from work-related stress
  • Implicit theories/mindsets: How they affect well-being and performance at work


Awards and Scholarships

2021 – 2023
Deutschlandstipendium (German public-private student scholarship)

Publications and Conference Presentations

Mackenbach, A. L., Job, V., Mlynski, C., Kühnel, J. (2024, September 15–19). Zusammenhänge zwischen Schlafqualität, morgendlicher Erschöpfung und Selbstkontrollanforderungen bei der Arbeit: Welche Rolle spielen Überzeugungen bezüglich des Schlafs? In J. Völker & J. Iser-Potempa (Chairs), Die Batterien wieder aufladen: Erholungsprozesse vor, während und nach der Arbeit [Symposium]. Accepted at the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society / 15th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Vienna, Austria.

Mackenbach, A. L., Job, V., Mlynski, C., Kühnel, J. (2024, August 8–13). Beyond rest: Do beliefs about sleep buffer the effect of a bad night’s sleep? In M.  Černe, & M. Škerlavaj (Chairs), Sleep and work: Implications for performance and human sustainability [Symposium]. Accepted at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, USA.

Mackenbach, A. L., Job, V., Mlynski, C., Kühnel, J. (2024, June 5–7). Beyond rest: How beliefs about sleep shape the effect of sleep quality on the perception of self-control demands at work. In S. Seibel, & J. Perzl (Chairs), A typical day in the life of a well-recovered employee: How recovery experiences at different times and settings relate to employees’ behaviors [Symposium]. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Granada, Spain.

Mackenbach, A. L., Janurek, J., Abdel Hadi, S., & Häusser, J. A. (2023, May 24–27). The effects of challenge and hindrance demands on dream content and valence: A daily diary study. In N. M. Junker, & S. Marx-Fleck (Chairs), Blurred lines – Empirical evidence on the importance of studying distinct forms of how work can enter nonwork roles and vice versa [Symposium]. 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.