Eva Jungbluth, MA



Eva Jungbluth has worked as a research assistant at the Institute for English and American Studies and the Department of New Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Goethe University since 2011. She completed her M.A. in Literary and Cultural Studies and General Linguistics at the University of Wuppertal in November 2009. Her research interests include transmedial and cultural narratologies, comic theory, theories of intermediality, media culture, diaspora studies, postcolonial theory, transcultural studies and memory studies. Eva Jungbluth is also a Ph.D. candidate and investigates narratives of migration and diaspora in novels, films, and graphic narratives. She is a participant of the Joint Award Ph.D. Programme between Goethe University Frankfurt (FB 10) and Monash University Melbourne (Faculty of Arts), where she spent a year as a visiting postgraduate researcher from August 2012 to July 2013.

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Telefon: 069/ 798 - 32382

E-Mail: jungbluth@em.uni-frankfurt.de