

Dez 20 2023

22. Februar 2024

Kurswechsel online - Career Conference for Female Early Career Researchers

Am 22. Februar 2024 findet nun bereits zum vierten Mal die Kurswechsel online – Career Conference for Female Early Career Researchers statt.

„Kurswechsel“  ist eine Kooperation der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, vertreten durch GRADE – die Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers, das Gleichstellungsbüro der Goethe-Universität, sowie Mentoring Hessen, ein Verbundprojekt der hessischen Hochschulen. Erstmalig wird sie in diesem Jahr als Kooperationsveranstaltung des RMU-Verbundes organisiert.

Wir laden bundesweit und fächerübergreifend Doktorandinnen und Postdoktorandinnen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. 

Throughout the conference, an array of compelling sessions awaits you:

  • Panel Discussion: "New Beginnings! Starting your job in the world outside academia" Five remarkable women from different academic backgrounds, who received their doctorates just a few years ago, talk about their transitions into the non-academic job market. Gain insights into the transition phase and settling into a corporate environment, followed by an interactive Q&A session.
  • Career Paths Beyond Academia: Meet  female professionals from diverse backgrounds who have taken individual career paths after completing their doctorate. Explore various company structures, access routes, and the career progression of women thriving outside academia.
  • Networking Opportunities: Build valuable contacts and expand your professional network by interacting with fellow participants throughout the conference. 
  • Plenary Coaching Session: Join a brief but impactful coaching session titled "Now what? How do I take the next steps in my career?" geared toward guiding your next career steps. 

Moreover, participants will have access to eLearning courses provided by 21 Skills for a duration of four weeks. Topics covered include My Academic Journey: Tools for Career Planning, Career Options in Research Management, and more, offering comprehensive insights to boost your career ambitions.

This conference is your opportunity to actively shape your personal career path. Take the chance to learn about your professional prospects and define new career goals.